Okay, I'm the new guy this very second

Yanks are from the north. My wife is a Southern Girl.

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I never went much further south than Tennessee, and I’m not sure where the north-south dividing line is actually situated. Charlie and Jeremiah weren’t tasked with drawing that line.
In any case, all Americans are Yanks as far us us Brits are concerned. (None meant).

The Mason-Dixon

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Ah, I never knew that. So it was Charlie and Jeremiah after all.

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Oh I’m now able to do as I wish, why?

This amuses me a little I admit.
But interestingly, the location about which you speak, that Air Force base, was my first assignment and I presently live within a ten mile radius :). Love that base!
I also was at RAF Fairfield a couple weeks doing a joint exercise and enjoyed that very much. Their bowling alley chili dogs supplied me some tasty lunches.

The sort of stuff you’re talking about. Stuff we post guards for, well that’s just how we roll. Too many spies to worry with, and bad attitudes that remain from the Cold War.

Glad to meet ya

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Not being trusted to go to the toilet on our own and having two female escorts for one male engineer to do this always made us laugh. I mean, I think the UK’s sewage treatment processes are at least as good as that of the USA’s so we don’t need to pinch their ideas.

Do you have a challenge coin? I would think you would have at least one. I have Base commemorative coins for USAF Dayton and Arnold, as well as a C5 challenge coin given to me by an ex RIO who was based in the UK for many years, and who I met when he was a volunteer at the Dayton USAF Museum replica UK Control Tower exhibit.

I bet it was amusing from your perspective. We trust nobody on a military installation except US military personnel. It wasn’t the toilet tech. Rather, eyes needed to be on you to both protect you and also to protect us in case contact was made with you by anyone.
I didn’t use challenge coins and don’t have any but do know what you’re talking about.
Interesting system there.
The stuff now is quite more effective.


Oh we are no different here. I was on an RAF base “somewhere in England” on the eve of Operation Ellamy (2011 Libya conflict) and we were taken into a hangar to be briefed.
We were told some aircraft would be flying off in the morning to a forward base in Italy shared with the USA and the host nation, but other aircraft would be flying missions direct to Libya and back to the UK, tanking on the way as required.
“Why aren’t they operating from Italy then?” I asked innocently.
“Because those aircraft will be armed with Storm Shadow missiles, and we don’t want the Yanks to see them”

So much for being on the same side, I thought.

I did like being allowed to use the BXs in the States because it was tax free and we were on a daily allowance. Any saving was money in our pockets.

Yep. We all have our secrets.

I’ll venture a guess that op was going through Aviano but no need to reply to that.

Frickin Libya has a bad attitude problem

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