I agree. What I’d like to know, and have never heard a reasonable answer, is why the police can’t arrest them or at least move them on.
I can only assume that it is instructions ‘from above’.
Of course it is possible that these tree huggers you all so casually sneer at might be right and you are condemning your great grandchildren to a very uncertain future.
The world’s climate scientists and governments have declared climate change is now a threat to human wellbeing and warned we are about to miss the window to “secure a liveable and sustainable future for all”.
The finding comes in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on the impacts of climate change and how we can adapt to them.
The new report found the scale of the impacts from climate change threatened to overwhelm the world’s ability to adapt in the coming decades, with some impacts requiring rapid and radical transformations in how we live and operate, combined with immediate and sharp cuts to greenhouse gas emissions.
Immediate actions aimed at stopping warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius could reduce many of the most severe impacts to society and ecosystems, but will not stop all of them.
Current global policies put the world on a course of at least 2.1C warming by 2100, and possibly as much as 3.9C.
If something isn’t done in the near future about the proliferation of nuclear and biological weaponry and the nutcases that have access to it the end might be nearer than we think.
Not necessarily. I can imagine that half of the world’s population would die, mostly from the northern hemisphere. Yes, the ground in many places would be contaminated for years, but I believe that the world would eventually recover.
One big difference would be that most people would be from underdeveloped countries. Good news, because they would be highly unlikely to develop nuclear or biological weapons, at least for many years.