Oi! Who’s Nicked My Refuse Bin?

Art, your Wheelie Bin has developed a Life of Its Own and right now it is touring the neighbourhood, devouring unsuspecting passers by - that’s why you haven’t seen the Refuse Collection Team lately - they’ve been devoured too - Dr Who style! :scream: :rofl:


I think I’ve got it Art I’ve had two bins since I moved here… I’ve told the council but they never collect it its a bit far for me to deliver it to you but come and get it if you want :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

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You could be right, Boot.
Perhaps someone could write a children’s story about it? :grinning:


Maybe we could entice Sarah Ferguson to write a series about wheeliebins? After all, her books have been filling them for years :grin:

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Oddly, I just found a bin outside my house.

It has a label saying “Art”.

Opening it up I found some old masters & a couple of old mistreses!


Mups, There are four houses in my road, two on each side, really far apart.

I don’t have a house number, my house has a name which may be printed on the side of the bin with my address somewhere when the bin was issued to this property.

Sometimes thieves nick bins to cart their haul away in.
I suppose not only would someone with a bin look fairly innocent, they would also hold a lot, too.

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Mups, I did wonder about, ‘identity’ theft but l burn everything with my name and address on it.
It never goes in the Refuse Bin.

Gardening tools, perhaps? :joy:


Pixie… Get outta town!!
I hope you weren’t referring to my new acquisitions? :laughing: :laughing:

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Yes, I shred everything with my name/address on.
Better to be safe than sorry ey.


Who me? As if I would do such a thing!

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Perhaps it’s a rejected lover and they want something to remember you by.

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I make paper mache with stuff like that. Let them peel it off if they can find the time :smiley:


Me too. In fact, I kill and bury anyone who comes round to the house to stop them passing on where I live. Don’t really miss my old friends since I know they’re still with me in body (literally), but it’s getting harder to get takeaway donner kebabs sent round.

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I think I know the answer Art , it has been very hot !


It might have ended up inside the collection truck. They do here occasionally

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