Objecting hair

I am sure my hair objects to being cut.

After being cut it does all sorts of strange things flying around in all directions and sticking out like a yard brush :twisted:.

After a few days it settles down and behaves itself :slight_smile:

Am I the only person with strange wilful hair …

Same here Meg my hair never sits right even after washing I have to wait till next wash then I can make it look right funny isnt it

My hair stands up at the top of my head & I am always damping it down, but it never lies flat at the crown unless the hairdresser styles it.

Mine looks nice when the hairdresser blow dries and straightens it with irons. When I do the same thing it mushrooms out, as it’s curly underneath and straight on top, and there’s far too much of it. It’s easier to just scrunch and leave it as it just takes too long to dry and flatten.

No you’re not the only one.

My hair objected to such treatment so much that it willfully buggered off completely.


I always washed mine as soon as I got back from the hairdressers :shock: What a waste of money, eh? I ended up cutting it myself during lockdown, and I still haven’t been to a hairdressers. Hair product solves anything :smiley:

The last time I went to hairdressers I had a cut and colour and every morning my hair stood on end like jeopardy, like I’d stuck my finger in a plug socket. I think it must have been the colour tgat caused some damage to my hair, thankfully its ok now

You’re not related to Boris Johnson in any way? :lol:

That’s why my hair is down to my butt and I trim it myself. It’s thick and naturally curly with cowlicks everywhere. If I were to get it cut short, it would curl and wave everywhere and not in a good way. One thing I don’t miss is going to the hairdressers . Most of them seem to cut hair they way they want it done, not how you’d like.
Do you have thick wavy hair Meg?
It must feel good to get a fresh hair cut though.

Exactly! They go for whatever they think is fashionable, not what actually suits your face or style. I have never had long hair though, and envy those that do. I tried longer at one point, but nope, not for me.

That made me laugh, Ulla! :023: :lol:

No Ulla thank goodness :lol: BJs hair seems to have a life of its own all the time not just when newly cut :shock:

Thick and straight most of my life Bratti but it has decided to curl a bit now …:slight_smile:

Oh dear Bruce :shock: I shouldn’t complain then…:lol:

Exactly! I agree. They seem to do what is easiest for them. It seems like most of them prefer adding in layers to any style and once you have layers, you have to keep going back to get them refreshed or they look horrible.

I’ve had long hair for most of my life. The last hairdresser I went to suggested I get a few light layers that I agreed to. Well I ended it with shoulder length hair that was as thin as ever since she cut most of it off 3 inches from my scalp. I almost cried. Never again. I like to have my hair all one length and the only time I leave it down is after I wash it. All other times it’s either braided back or up in a bun which takes no more than a few minutes whereas when it’s short I have to tame it by blow drying it which is a real pain.

Ok! Well that makes sense. If it’s think then maybe it bounces up from all the extra weight taken off so suddenly. Maybe it takes your hair i while to adapt.

I often have a tuft of hair sticking up on the top- right- back of my head. That’s because I spend so much time lying on the sofa.

It could also be because you have a double crown. I have that problem too, and when I wake up, my hair looks like someone chopped my scalp with an axe, because I have a straight line at the back of my head :shock:

Or you could just be a lazy oaf. :twisted:

Gosh that sounds awful Bratti!
I’m the opposite - short hair takes minutes to sit nicely, yet when it was a bit longer, I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to get it to sit properly! It just depends on what you are used to I suppose :smiley: