Number trouble

Don’t normally have trouble with numbers (and Google does not give a satisfactory answer) but, we agree there are 52 weeks in a year = 52 X 7 = 364 days, but we all know that the Gregorian calendar we use has 365 days, can anyone answer in layman’s terms?

Add up the days of the months instead.

Feb 29th? Leap year? No wait…thats not right…the days of the month vary between 30 & 31 so it all evens out in the end I suppose?

From what Dex says, the actual start and end day of any given week is not fundamental to the 365 days. The reason this came up is, my yearly step counting spreadsheet was started on Monday 13th of December 2021 so yesterday (Sunday) should have been one complete year for analysis purposes but, yesterday was the 11th not the 12th so by this reckoning I need to include todays paces for the complete picture.

You could just have one month with 365 days in it, and an additional day added every 4 years to bring the full orbit around the Sun back to a closer approximation. If we didn’t do this adjustment, then obviously after just a single century we’d be about 1 month out in terms of seasonal expectations.

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A year is a complete cycle around the sun or 365 days (366 on a leap year). A year is 52 weeks plus one day. The week being 7 days is arbitrary. That’s why it doesn’t match the 365. It’s also why 4 weeks a month doesn’t mean we have 48 weeks which would be 12 times 4 weeks a month.

That makes your spreadsheet look messy, best thing to do is drop the day column.

Because it isn’t 364 days. It’s not even exactly 365.


It’s a pity that God didn’t have the presence of mind to make the orbit exactly 360 days. If he had, then we’d have had a whole raft of different factors to play with.

forget the days night time is more exciting. :wink:

Factoring in todays offering, looks like 5,800,000 Paces and 2750 miles, bit down on the old days but, de-motivation is creeping in.

I don’t have a spreadsheet. You could drop yours down to hours. Your days and weeks won’t match anyone else but your spreadsheet could be more aligned if you decide to divide it evenly.

I will start the next one on January the first and just run a date column, the actual day is unimportant, it was only inserted because the sheet was structured into weeks for week on week comparison, 2023 will be a running total.

Couldn’t you set a goal of say, a thousand miles per year (or more if you are able) and that way, some flexibility could be done across the board? You could still have daily notes a weekly comparison, and a running total.

Not really Pix, at this age, if you are not mega mobile for a long period, it can be difficult getting back

The original theory is incorrect.

The earth takes approximately 365 and 1/4 days to orbit the sun. Rounding down gives us 365, then every four years, add in the extra quarter days to make an extra day in February and call it a leap year.

The period of time required for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun, measured from one vernal equinox to the next and equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.51 seconds.

Even this isn’t precise, so every now and then, “time” has to be adjusted. I don’t know how it is done nowadays, but I remember that the speaking clock had a number of beeps to denote the precise time and when “time” needed a tweak, an extra-long beep was used.

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At this reduced pace level Fruity, I walk the circumference of the Earth every nine years :walking_man:

That’s a bit cheeky isn’t it? Tweaking Tim like that…leave his beeps alone, I’m sure he can manage perfectly well on them!

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