Not Robin Hood

I may be from Nottingham but not either Robin Hood or the Sheriff and definitely not Maid Marian. I used to be a member of Saga Zone till it was withdrawn and made many regular contacts on there. I am a keen gardener with an allotment. I am also very active in our local branch of the U3A. Vice chair and Interest group leader. Say no more.:slight_smile:

Hello Not Robin Hood ā€¦ from not Miss Piggy :039:

Welcome Bendigo.
I know where you come from.
Get stuck in.
Sweetie x

Hi bendigo69, I am sorry to hear that you are not Robin Hood. I was going to ask if you had any extra change around, I am a bit broke at the moment.

But, heyā€¦welcome to the forum ā€œnot Robin Hoodā€, looking forwad to your postsā€¦

Hi Alan, welcome.
Iā€™m sure youā€™ll enjoy the forum :cool:

Wonderful pub in Nottingham - Trip To Jerusalem, Iā€™ve spent many a fine quaffing session in that watering hole! :-p

Hello Alan,

Welcome to our forum.

Is that photo of you now or when you were younger, because you look very handsome in that photo.

Have a nice time on here.

Welcome to the forum Bendigo.

Good evening Alan matey and welcome. You may not be Robin or the Sheriff, but I bet youā€™ve visited the ā€˜Trip to Jerusalemā€™. :lol::lol::lol:

Iā€™ll be honest with you - The pic was taken in Florida 7 years ago

I might need some help ??

Thatā€™s what I mentioned. Heā€™s not been back yet so Iā€™m thinking heā€™s propping up the bar.:confused:

Hello Alan :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50sForumā€¦

Hello, and welcome to the site. Iā€™m fairly new here myself, and a New Yorker, lots of family in Florida, to be sure.