No ads = respect?

Not that I wish any harm to the man, but I think it won’t be too long (macabre, I know…but c’mon, he’s 73 and has / is undergoing a lot of stress right now)

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I mentioned somewhere that there are at least 25 heirs to the throne, so we could make it an annual event. Gotta be a way out of turning a profit from it.

was it due to respect or what they were allowed to show with the queens casket being lowered into the vault underneath.

Not sure, but a gaping hole in the floor probably not the best look. They all left by not walking over that part.

@Muddy ,. Is that so Muddy ??
Blood hell why didn’t l notice that!! :thinking::thinking:

This was the problem - some bod in a TV channel office making random decisions about what was suitable. If someone was not in the mood for a programme or seeing ads - guess what, they can keep the TV switched off. Simple.
Still not sure how an ad for shampoo would upset anyone…

I have no problems with there being no adverts. But it was obvious that this was a very selective thing. As most channels were advertising their own upcoming TV shows & why if they are not showing adverts do they instead show nothing?

I cannot remember which channel it was, but one satellite channel was not showing adverts & instead showing clips of live performances of light classical music. Which was very pleasant.

There have been some very strange ideas when it comes to showing respect. And not just on the media. But why has all that money wasted on flowers? It has been common for decades for people to ask for donations, rather than flowers.

The taxpayers have already donated most of the costs .
The flowers will be composted so won’t go to waste .