
hi my name is bridget . i live with a lot of dogs which i show,and also help with dog training classes.I also have two allotments which i love but as a senior i find hard work these days.I have been a widow for a long time.
I read a lot and love history.

Hello Bridget :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum …

Hello Bridget :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you…

Hi Crestie and welcome to the mad… err greatest forum for silver surfers.

Most of em are ok as long as you chuck them raw meat from time to time, but dont get too close as they can bite.

:039: Hello from the forum pig.
One of, if not actually … the shyest and quietest member on here. :-p

Hello Bridget and welcome :slight_smile:

Hello Bridget and a very warm welcome to you.:slight_smile:

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Hi Bridget and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

thank you :-p

thank you

Ah you made it Bridget darlin’ - glad you did - welcome again from me too.

Hello Bridget, welcome to our forum, we are all very friendly on here.

Looking forward to your chats.

All thanks to you uncle Joe.Still not sure i am doing it right lol

Yes Bridget darlin’ - you’re doing fine. Now if you want to participate in other conversations - go to the ‘home’ page again and scroll down the list of topics until you find one that interests you. Click on the’/last page’ and when you want to contribute, you’ll find the submit reply button at the bottom of whatever you have typed - as you have already done in here. If you have a problem - my 'phone No is: (01273) 692413.

…and it’s a big WELCOME from me Bridget.

Hi Bridget :slight_smile: I have left a message for you here…

A very warm welcome from me too :slight_smile:

thank you all

More info about the dogs please!