
Hi, I’m new to this group having never joined a forum before, I’m hoping to gain some new ideas for hobbies and interests during these uncertain times. Looking forward to hearing from you all shortly, take care x

Hi Jackiee and welcome, hope you enjoy your time on Over50sForum. :039: :slight_smile:

Hi Jackie…welcome.

And hi from the South Pacific Jackiee! Welcome.

Hi and welcome Jackiee. Just just jump in and have fun. Nobody on the site will bite…well maybe him…oh and her of course.:wink:

Hello Jackie :slight_smile: welcome…

Hello Jackie :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

I hope you enjoy your time here with us… :slight_smile:

:039: Hiya Jackiee. Welcome to the nuthouse. :043:

Welcome Jackiee. Just play around and join in any forum items you are inclined to x