
hello everyone , new to this , am in my sixties (young at heart), I know , we all say that!

looking for someone to chat to , about life , the universe and everything!

I still work full time but looking for like minded people to talk to

Warm welcome to OFF, it’s great.

Hello Mal :slight_smile: welcome to Over50sForum…

Welcome. Get stuck in!

thank you to all 3 of you ! I feel less nervous now lol

Hello and welcome. :039:

thank you really appreciate it

Hi malbar and welcome, hope you enjoy your time on Over50sForum. :slight_smile:

Hello Mal :slight_smile: welcome.

Enjoy!..It’s not a bad joint this. The company is pretty good but the drinks are expensive :slight_smile:

thank u for the welcome

Hiya Malbar. Nice to see another newbie around the place.

Welcome to the site, Malbar! I’ll be back after I find out where the expensive drinks are served, referred to earlier in your post.

Will look for you to join me shortly.

Hi Mal :039:

first round on me!

the welcome has been nice!

Wait till you see the floorshow!..:slight_smile:

You mean there’re dancing girls and a cabaret? :stuck_out_tongue:

hello how are you? thought I had better bite the bullet!

Welcome to the forum Malbar.