New Way to Control the Plebs

Well this was a shock, don’t know how they will enforce it, BUT, as long as it doesn’t give that Truss woman and her cronies ideas. :roll_eyes: :open_mouth: :astonished:

Switzerland Threatens to Jail People Who Heat Their Homes Too Much (

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@Rox , Praps they shoould do a trial run at the next WEF meeting in Davos !!
It should be possible to find the big heaters by comparing gas bills or
summat ?? :thinking::thinking:

I’ve not read the Breitbart link provided above - that is a terrible Steve Bannon led alt-right mis-information outlet. I’d normally dismiss anything they publish as guff but it seems the basis of this story is correct and the Swiss are considering laws to restrict heating homes and workplaces. I suspect, given the title of this thread, that the angle Breitbart have taken is such laws as anti-freedom or some such twaddle.
Reading up on this proposed Swiss action it is in fact laws to act against selfish people hogging energy. There will be rationing of gas in Switzerland this winter. Basically the worry is that if people who can easily afford it decide to burn through lots of energy then there won’t be enough for everyone else (the plebs you refer to). So they are planning to fine people who ‘over-heat’ (or more specifically are selfish and use too much gas) their homes. The threat of jail is only for repeat offenders. So while the basis of the story is correct, a better thread title might be “new way to stop rich selfish people taking rationed energy from everyone else”.


Watch this guys video on it (and also watch to the end, because there is some chilling stuff there for the future regarding fertiliser and food shortages) - he speaks the truth and has facts to back it up. He points out that while Switzerland will fine people the equivalent of a DAILY fine of £2000+ and 3 years in jail, the WHO state that temps mustn’t go under 20°C for older people, babies, and those with illness. Switzerland says no more than 19°C, and all extra heating appliances, spa’s etc will be prohibited.

This Russian War is making life difficult for everyone - at least we are not all suffering in the way folk in Ukraine are suffering.

Wars bring hard choices - and shortages, which in turn may require rationing to make sure everyone gets a small share of a limited resource, especially those who are vulnerable and not able to “fight for their share”
There is no point in rationing resources if you don’t back it up with legislation and punishment for ignoring the rationing rules.
Sadly, humans cannot always be relied upon to be co-operative and egalitarian - sometimes there are selfish, greedy folk who need to be stopped from hogging it all “because they can”, because they are richer or stronger or less conscientious or less law abiding.

UK introduced legislation to stop people hogging limited resources when we had wartime rationing - we still saw greedy selfish people trying to profit from the black market - if we’d had no rules and no punishments for breaking them, it would have been a free for all.

Even now, when we introduce water rationing (e.g. hose pipe bans) we have punishments for breaking the rules.

Switzerland was very reliant on Russian energy during the Winter months, so if they need to ration energy to get through this Winter, I can understand why they need to reinforce the rationing rules with consequences for breaking them.

As for the details, this is still a policy under consideration - there is still a lot of “IF”s - If they need to introduce rationing, IF they introduce this policy -

Regarding the potential new measures, each canton in Switzerland has until September 22 to submit any concerns, so they can challenge any parts of it they don’t agree with.

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@strathmore , l think you are replying to the wrong person Straff ??
Rox was the OP ! :thinking::thinking:

Well spotted. Intentional mistake of course. All planned. Not an accident at all.

@strathmore , Of course, you cant fool me !! :wink::wink:

Saw this in the OP and stopped reading. Means to me there’s much more going on than the article states.

My heating is never on more than 15c anyway.


Mine is ST, in one room.

I basically live in one room, the lounge, at that is now set at 21C.

It is well insulated and draughtproofed, even the internal doors.

I feel the cold and a higher temperature reduces angina attacks and breathing difficulties.

One of the disadvantages of getting of getting older and ill.

I also used to be comfortably insulated myself, but the compulsory weight loss has reduced that insulation.

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Obviously you need yours at that temperature for health reasons, Swimmy. I never really feel the cold so am comfortable enough at 15c.


It is weird ST, and a sudden change.

Hate pyjamas, but now have them, and wear nonslip socks in bed.

I haven’t quite got to the woolly hat yet.

I think that we may be going full circle heating wise to when we were kids, coats on top of the blankets and heads under the covers.

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15c is rather chilly Ms Tabby, it’s not good for us let’s say mature peeps to get use to living with colder temperatures you put yourself at risk .
I was told that by my doctor .

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But I don’t tolerate heat, Ripple, it makes me feel ill. 15c is really as warm as I need to be and what my body is accustomed to. But thank you for caring!

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And flannelette sheets - oh no!!

I love cosy brushed cotton sheets :heart_eyes:

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When I was a young child the single glazing in all windows and the lack of central heating meant that it was properly cold in winter. Iced condensation on the windows and, once, the water in the toilet pan froze over. So it was brushed cotton sheets, layers of blankets and an old fashioned quilt - no duvets in those days - plus the obligatory hot water bottle. So even today I cannot sleep well in a warm room, I prefer a warm bed and a window open.

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