New type of woman's prison

Scotland has opened a woman’s prison in Glasgow that is, the prison service says, designed to promote independent living, deliberately offering choice and control over daily routines that gradually build confidence. In other words rehabilitation and readiness for life after prison.
It looks a bit more like a hotel than a prison. It also seems a lot more Scandinavian than, say, Victorian. My own view is that this approach is way to long in coming to the UK. Others may disagree.

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I can see it working for some, but not for all.
It will be interesting to see if it changes women, who were normally sent to prison, and gives them a chance to lead lives where crime is not a means to solve their problems.

I wonder if there will be any form of reporting how good, or bad, this new idea has helped its inmates?

How sexist is that? :roll_eyes:

Any scheme which helps prevent offenders reoffending again and again can only be positive…We will just have to wait and see if it’s successful.