new to this forum

Hi Geordiegirl,
Your husband was not too far from West Ham.
We used to get up to Wansted Flats Playing Fields whenever we ducked out of school and at weekends, that was nearby.

I think Tommy Walsh went to his School and he has done alright.:cool:

[FONT=“Arial”]Hi Chris and everyone else. I’m new too and just finding my way around. Looking forward to this; it looks fun.[/FONT]

Hi, Daisygee! It is fun, glad you found us. Start your own thread in the Intro section and we can give you a proper welcome! :smiley:

Welcome Daisygee, you will find that this is a very friendly and laid back forum so enjoy yourself and have fun :slight_smile:

Thank you Eileen and Bob. I’ve just got to figure out how to do this now. :slight_smile:

Hello, nice to meet you - hope you enjoy the forum…

Thank you Merz - I am enjoying it. :slight_smile: There’s some interesting stuff here.

My hubby was born in Romford. His aunt and cousins still live in Basildon, Billaricay and Rayliegh