New Species of a Corsican Wildcat

Bid to have legendary Corsican ‘fox-cat’ listed as a new species

Experts hope that research into a Corsican wildcat known as the ghjattu-volpe (fox-cat), long thought to have been just a local legend, will lead to it being deemed a new species
By Suzanna Chambers

A push for the classification is being led by official French biodiversity agency OFB, which plans to publish an article setting out key research next year.

The dossier will then be passed to the International Institute for Species Exploration to decide whether the fox-cat should be included in the species list, to which only 10 are added per year out of 18,000 applications.

A small team from the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS), led by Pierre Benedetti, has been studying the animal since 2008.


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A cat with a bit of a brushy tail.Is that why they call it a fox?

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Looks like your average moggy to me :slight_smile:


Bit bigger maybe?

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They have studied it since 2008 and it is proved to be a Corsican Wildcat
…Muddy an average Moggie, in you home, as a Pet, is not a wildcat…hopefully
unlike Humans that vary ‘moreso’ .they are in fact…more like Heinz 57’s. :thinking: :innocent:

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snap :grinning:

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I am amazed that this cat allows its self to be held ( perhaps it is sedated ) usually wildcats will take your hand off even feral domestic cats are not easy to handle .


I had not thought of that…the animal sanctuary we worked with had loads of Ferel Cats and we tended to keep away from them, maybe because there was so many they were too busy looking out for the topcat…
There is always one.
Had been corned by a so call pet cat once…he got in our house and hissed and spitted at me, literally had me corned…
I had to grab the nearest ‘weapon’ a duet and throw it over him …he did get out and I had a go at the neighbours that he came from…took a chance though, as they were the kind of Irish that had street fights …a drink or 10 and fighting each other…Not the Mother though…she was too busy feeding and trying to keep the peace…
The kitten cat was not ever seen again …

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A duet? You sang a duet with a cat to get him out of the house? Oh Dianne…you make me laugh so much with the visions you bring to mind! :joy:


oh, I thought it said duvet… :nerd_face:
was a trick Trixe… :innocent:
i’ll leave it there now…so there… :stuck_out_tongue:


To see how many people paid attention, yes I get it…well it made me chuckle lots anyway! :joy:

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Do you recall the Chuckle Brothers?


Yes I do…one died recently didn’t he? I was never a fan of them, but they were popular.

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Yes I remember one year we saw them in Panto, and just still trying to recall which one…Always done a Boxing Day if possible…Our kids really enjoyed the Pantos…Just one we went to that was not good…Bob Monkhouse…was the usual Family show and he told some rude jokes…too rude for kids…

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It looks like a cross tween a moggie and a r’coon to me.


Is Moggie also a new recognised Species…guess the publications of that info have been secretly hidden to protect the Species…
you never know with these Forums what they might do with the Data…Feral and Strays, just let loose for example without taggings… :thinking: :icon_eek:

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