New old man

Tried before to say hello, but cant see where it was , so hello again from Western Norway.

A very warm welcome to the forum Norway. All us fella’s here are new old Men, we’ve never been old before:-).

Hi again, I saw you on the Good Morning thread! :smiley: I’m an old Yankee lady!

Hi Graham, if you ever need to find your posts then click on the “Your Profile” link in the orange band, and then click on “Find all posts by Norway” in the menu on the left hand side…:cool:

Hello Graham :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello Graham, a warm welcome to you :smiley:

Looking forward to learning what life is like in Norway…

Our Anna is in Norway too…

Welcome Graham, hope you enjoy it here

:039:Welcome from me too!

Hello, nice to meet you - hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hello Graham :039: welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

So many welcomes , Thank you

It’s a nice forum, Norway!

Hi Graham. I just love the wild nature of mountains and would, some 20 or 30 years ago have loved to do some mountaineering in Norway. Regrettably my disabilities (‘Uncle Arthur’) now prevent m e from doing so.

Hello from another newbie.
Hope you enjoy it here !