New Geo - Engineering!

Geo-engineering - presented by delightfully knowledgeable scientists mostly female; who made it sound very simple and sound but even with my desktop mini white board and scribble pen I could hardly keep up - I could understand what they were saying - the words coming out were pretty clear but couldn’t write them quick enough - need a mini tape recorder really BUT they talked about Climate Accord [ is this a new thing?] The Story of Earth I think was the title then Jet streams ;Arctic sea ; Ice reflects the suns rays ; Warmer the air the wilder the weather ; need to re-grow the forests of course ; cleaning oceans? - They did speak a little to fastly but it all sound quite simple and clear on delivery - I think I need a U-tube now so I can go over it a few times??

and today deep sea growing of kelp which is good for the planet - and the announcement that the earth of course is very capable of surviving very well without humans we are just feffing it up a lot? now where have I heard that one?