New Experiences

I had a full body one a couple of years ago, At the time I was as high a kite from a mixture of morphine, Tramadol and high strength anti biotic

So, keep you eyes closed they said. Well, you know me, I don’t like being told what to do, so as soon as I was in I opened mine. Very claustrophobic, lid right close to your face, like being in a coffin. But being high I got the giggles thinking they should put a sign above you saying “We TOLD you to close your eyes!”

And yes it was noisy, but I was high and I got bored. And it was like a disco. So I decided to sing. Shania Twain as it happens :crazy_face:

When they pulled me out, they looked at me dubiously and said “Are you alright, we’ve never had anyone sing before!” And I just couldn’t stop giggling :rofl: They gave me another sedative and I think they were all glad when I conked out!


They WERE new at the time, Donks :wink:

@Percy. Vere,. Thought so! :grin::grin: