New boy on the block!

Hello folks.Let me introduce myself,a guy in his seventies.Living in cold,grey Staffs;recently( July 2011) remarried after losing my childhood sweetheart…thank you,darling for a lifetime of love.
Interests include writing,two local interest books published.gardening especially roses and reading.
I’m a Saga Zone refugee,where my new wife and I met and had a Fantasy wedding online twelve months before tying the knot in earnest

Hello there Teddyboy ! Welcome from Pats who loves Rock n Roll, especially Bill Haley… The arrangements of his music - superb and always put a smile on me face…:smiley:


Hello Derrick :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to the forum!

I hope you find OFF (OverFiftiesForum) as comfortable, if not more, than your previous ‘home’.

Looking forward to chatting with you … if you have any difficulty finding your way around the form don’t hesitate to give us a shout and someone will be along to help.:slight_smile:


Hello and welcome

Welcome Derrick, I’m sure you’ll like it on here.

Hello Derrick :smiley: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you…


Welcome to OFF and I am sure you will enjoy it here. It’s a friendly place to be.

Hello Derrick, nice to meet you and welcome. Nice to hear you’ve written about local history, vital to any area in my opinion, and great to hear it from ’ The Horse’s mouth’, so to speak.

Hi Pats

My darling late wife and I were into Billy Fury…got turned off the last 'bus one cold night for singing “Rubber Ball” and stamping our feet too loudly!

Hi Jem,
Thanks for the welcome.Hanley Wakes and Those were the days are the books wot I wrote.The first is a semi autobiographical tale of my boyhood in Stoke on Trent.Those were the days is mainly old and new photos showing the changing face of the Potteries.

Hi Teddyboy,

Welcome to our site, we are all very friendly here. Susie xx

[FONT=“Century Gothic”][SIZE=“3”]Have a great time here and a blessed one too !![/SIZE][/FONT]

Hello and Welcome :slight_smile:

Hello Teddy, welcome to the forum

Teddy - your post gave me a giggle, I was always singing and dancing in the street, on buses - anywhere ! A couple of times I’d get on the bus and give a rendition of ‘Viva Las Vegas’ - Elvis another fav and when I saw the musical ‘Gypsy’ there was no stopping Pats - ‘Curtain up - light the lights !’ from start to finish :smiley: Never got turfed off the bus tho’…ah those were the days…:-p