New As Well

Hi… I’m newly arrived on a recommendation posted elsewhere by yet another new member. – Word of mouth spreads, doesn’t it? Looking forward to being here… :smiley:

Hello Fyrefox, hope you enjoy it here. :slight_smile:

Hello … :039: welcome to the best over 50’s forum.

Azz, you’re in my debt now and you owe me a Get Out of Jail Card Free for that.

Hi fyrefox & welcome from longdogs

Thank you all!

Hello Fox :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you .

Hello Fyrefox :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Hello and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

Hi Fyrefox welcome, your profile sounds interesting :slight_smile:

A big welcome from Me too Fyrefox,hope to see You posting around the Forum :smiley:

Hello Fox, welcome to our forum, hope you enjoy it on here. Looking forward to your chats.

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Welcome Fyrefox :slight_smile: