Neighbours (update)


Rubbish, absolute tosh.

I care about the security of my house and the safety of anyone here.

I also care about the wild birds in my garden, which I spend a lot of time caring for.

The razor wire is around 3 gardens now, and it works.

Fully signed and legal.

No more idiots.

The cat tunnels are working.

The old, fluffy cat which has no chance of catching a bird, still comes into the garden and the house.

It is no problem at all.

The human idiots are giving the houses a wide berth, which I am happy with.

If yacare very young you want to feed the pets the things you like.

It takes a little time for them to realise pets might have different favourites.

Once you get there , it is no problem at all.

Razor wire?! My God, I thought the next civil war would be caused by terrorists or hordes of migrants or something - not because of a tiff between swimfeeders and his neighbour! :mrgreen:

Where exactly is this razor wire? Is it rolled out along the ground in the garden? As children, we used to like to dive into hedges and pulling ourselves along the top of them. I can see I’m going to have to be careful if I want to take up this pastime again! :smiley:

It’s not a case of giving pets what YOU like or even what they like. It’s giving them what won’t cause them harm. Can you really not understand that?

As for your “razor wire” - if you actually have put any up - that certainly is going to come back and rightly bite you BIG TIME.

Yes it will come and it takes all sorts of twisted minds to come up with razor wire in a domestic situation. Under English law, even intruders have rights. We all now await the noise of a ton of bricks falling :shock: which it will!


Nope. it is a fact of life here.

It is perfectly legal and the signage is followed.

It is on the inside of the tops of the fences, .

The only way you are going to come into contact with it it is if you are trying to break into the property illegally.

It will not kill you, Razor Wire is designed to snag you and your clothing and render you immobile.

It is not designed to kill you.

Other systems are, they are illegal without a special permit.

The signage and photos are enough to stop the idiots,

Simply not worth the effort.

The cat tunnel is great, very elderly and slow, not an issue and great fun.

It has the range of 3 gardens, I am happy with that.

Oh yeah! Ruthless, cruel, AND clueless. :069:

But not chocolate.

Man, you got problems.

But, Swimmy, if the tunnel works for your neighbours cat won’t it also work for the others?

It is …it gets worse. :cry:

Next up: M18 Claymores

That’ll show em.

Five paces in front of the Chieftan tanks. :-p

Do you mean the prisoners? :lol:

I was likely the only one not to know above,

I have learnt more on here than when in school, well it was an ‘Approved School’…gotcha…:wink:

Swimmy, you are working so hard on your garden and want to take photos…surely the wire spoils the view when looking out of your window, eh?

The other cats will be strung up on the razor wire.

Different, but that is one bad set up with the razor wire.
We have to put up…told enough times by our British Neighbours…They have 4 Hunting Dogs that get exercise only in the garden.when they are out, which luckily they are restricted to maybe a few minutes to half an hour 2/3 times each day…

They bark at any noise…bird car even a sneeze…they are full on Hunting Dogs…we have had to take precautions to protect our two precious cats.

They have had to put up mesh wire on top of the joining wall to keep them in. They can get over a 5 foot stone Wall…and they have twice…twice to many…
We get scared for our pets safety…but it is not the Dogs fault…If anything or anyone gets injured with that razor wire your fault 100%.

I learned about those when I got to pop a few off in the service. Fun stuff as long as you face it in the right direction.

Service, Plonker is that voluntary or conscripted…in the USA?

I enlisted in the 80’s. Lived in Germany for 3 years on the same Army post as Elvis in Friedburg.