Neighbour leaves note for mum demanding that she remove her washing from the line because it 'looks tacky'

  • some of the replies to respond with include:
    'You could always add flashing Christmas lights and a wind chime to your clothes horse to smarten it up. It’ll be soo much more appealing for them,
    Another suggested the woman paint herself and lie on the lawn screaming ‘I am a wet towel’ at 30 second intervals.

They said that should ‘sort out’ the problem quickly.

Seriously though…whats wrong with hanging out a bit of washing on a nice day? Another comment posted an excerpt from an 1860s etiquette guide which ‘explains’ why washing shouldn’t be hung outside.

'Exposing children to hanging undergarments and unmentionables can have traumatic effects on their upbringing, and reduce their capacity for being a desirable partner when coming of age,’ the guide said.


That ruddy neighbour should be told to … :point_right: sod off!!! I provide my tenants with a full length washing line and a 4 arm rotary job so they choose what to use and when.
I hate using my tumbly and it’s only available as a last resort for inclement weather.


The worlds gone mad.


Ha ha ha…I love it…thank gawd My lovely Neighbours haven’t commented on My passion killers hanging outside on the line, (possibly because Theirs are more ‘tacky’ than Mine)


Oh I got rid of my tumble dryer the minute the kids left home! The bloomin’ thing was on ALL the time, and the bills racked up and up. Once they left, my bills were halved, it was great! :+1:

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May, nobody would dare leave a note round here I doubt. They’d end up getting their house “manually ventilated” via a note on a brick :joy:


What an absolute load of rubbish that is, whatever next?

My comment to that neighbour would have been that it’s her ‘mucky’ mind that’s the problem. She should bring her offspring up ‘in the real world’, we all wear clothes and those need washing and drying. Perhaps they don’t wash their clothes so they would not need drying? Dirty lot!


This made me laugh!


I’m glad that we don’t have a snotty b1tch like that in our neighbourhood.


Oh me too Besoeker! Who has the time to gaze out of the window and judge peoples washing? Its a bit silly really :frowning: :bikini:

The knuckle scrapers are just as bad :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

How about another thought I had later then:

Perhaps they don’t wear clothes so there are none to wash or hang out to dry?
In which case all the neighbours would know who was just a little more than ‘tacky’!

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Eeew Baz…always taking it to the next level aren’t you! :joy: …wait…do you have neighbours like that? :astonished:

Yes, I get a lot of satisfaction from doing that.

Yes again but mine are far, far worse! As much as I would like to I can’t say any more,
it could be seen as sub judice!

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What a cheek! Some people just need to learn to live and let live and keep their nose out :rage:

The only slight query I had is that the note says:

“Is your washing dry yet

It could be they are one of those people who hang out their washing and then can never be bothered to take it back in and it stays there for days. Still nobodies business, though.

I live in a flat with a shared back garden, where the washing lines are.

My upstairs neighbour has very adventurous tastes in underwear and I always hope people don’t think it’s mine :rofl::briefs::briefs:


I daren’t say what I want to say, or I’d be banned - so I’ll just say assholes :rofl:

A few houses ago, I lived next door to a really odd family. Nice enough, but odd.
The daughter had mental health issues, probably in her 30s.
Anyway, two fence panels separating our gardens blew down in the gales at the far end of the gardens. The gardens were about 150ft and I had two washing lines - one at the front part of the garden and one at the far end of the garden.

A couple of days later on a beautiful sunny warm day, I’d done a load of washing - towels, bedding, clothes etc.
I’d put the sheets at the far end and went out for a few hours.
Came back and the line of sheets was flat on the grass.
When I went to check, the line had been cut at both ends of the two posts.
There could only be one culprit, the daughter.
I didn’t do anything about the incident, as I had no proof. But I paid for the fence panels to be replaced asap which stopped it happening again :wink:


Oooh Pesta! Thats terrible! Good for you in fixing up the fence. You should have invoiced them for the extra washing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


… I’m too nice :innocent: :mrgreen:

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This explains what happened to the generation before me. WTF. I personally love the way clothing smells when it was dried on the clothes line. Now, they try to replicate the smell in the dryer. :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


This made me laugh Danny! You are so right! “Fresh air scented sachets” or “Spring Morning” laundry powder…its ridiculous! Have these people even been outside?! Their smell compared to the real thing is poles apart… :joy: (unintentional pun there, but hey I’ll take it, bad though it was!)