You were very brave Strath…
Having had several stays and procedures at the hands of the NHS I am no stranger to having needles thrust into my arm, or in fact other sensitive places…
I always watch because it doesn’t bother me at all.
Your comparison with seatbelts is void, a seatbelt does not fill your bloodstream with toxic chemicals and have the potential to affect a finely balanced immune system.
Doctors are unlikely to discuss side effects from the vaccines, this is exactly the reason why we should be cautious. Despite your protestations there is a whole world of death and bad reactions to the covid vaccine out there, that is being withheld and not reported in the MSM… Why is that do you suppose?
This article gives info about the development and use of mRNA vaccinations going back to the 1990s and and includes a short video showing how the spike protein is made from the mRNA.
You make a fair point but overstate the lack of validity of my comparison. The seatbelt (or helmet or whatever satety device) does work as a comparison of safety or effectiveness. No device or drug is 100% effective, at all times for everyone. But we all diligently use them whenever required. Yet one argument against the covid vaccine was that it was not 100% effective. Here the analogy to other safety devices does stand up.
Of course, as you point out, these other devices do not flood the body with chemicals. Here the analogy does not work, I agree. But equally we can easily find other “flood the body with chemicals” comparisons that millions and millions use over day.
True ! Equally what we eat can be life changing whether negative or positive. What we consume can impact your mental health and well-being , cancers, heart attacks , strokes diabetes & more all linked with and unhealthy food & lifestyle
Course you can eat yourself healthy too , it’s all about chemicals.
But those we take willingly Strath, either because we don’t realise the danger (but would probably stop if we did know) or we know the danger and do it anyway. Smoking and drinking alcohol is a good example. I don’t do either as a matter of fact.
Supreme Court just ruled the vaccine safety data has to be published within 2 years against the FDA and Pfizer requests for 75 years and then 50 years.
The truth always comes out in the end
Remember the safe AZ vaccine that got banned ? Remember when we were told the mrna vaccine stopped transmission and was tested on pregnant women ?
Our previous PM advised everyone to have the AZ to keep everyone safe.He,however,had the Pfizer before it was readily available here so we waited until it was.
When I wrote that we all put unknown chemicals into our systems I was not thinking of alcohol - although that’s a good example. We might know wine is made from grapes but are we aware (those who drink) of additives like sulphides? Similarly many people need medication - blood pressure, pains, etc. - and regularly take pills. Do we know what is in them all? Then there are other food additives (taste, colouring, preserving) which we willingly eat every day.
Or, and this one is only recently being talked about, the wide range of so-called ‘forever chemicals’. These are used to protect against wear (carpets, textiles, paper coatings, etc.) or fire resistance (foam fire suppressants) or non-stick (frying pans). We are ingesting these without knowing or knowing the impact on our bodies.
There is so much to worry about before you get to well tested vaccines - via needle or needle free.
Here’s the source I found for that. It’s a tweet from a guy who is a Twitter expert. His source is conveniently in Hebrew that no one else can source from the comments.
I struggled, in what was admittedly only a brief search, for age group data in other locations. One site gave exactly that for the US state of California. This is interesting as while there was a degree of lockdown there it was not as long or as rigid as other locations. The link is at the bottom of this post. Here are my conclusions (using ‘under 50 yrs’ as a reference point):
Over 50’s - this represented 28% of recorded cases but over 92% of all Covid recorded deaths, and 3% of recorded cases ended up in death
Under 50’s - represented 72% of cases and 8% of the total deaths - and 0.1% of cases resulted in death
So nowhere near extreme as the results reported from Israel but a clear presentation that if you were under 50 and with no under-lying illness then you were not likely to die from Covid.
But two thoughts on this. First, there is no mention or record of long-Covid or other debilitating consequence of under 50’s getting Covid. Only looking at deaths only covers half the story of what were, in many instances, very serious illnesses.
Second, possibly of most interest to people on this forum - what about the 50-70 year group? Many in this group would consider themselves to be healthy, active and should have many years ahead of them.
50-70 years - this was 21% of cases but a significant 30% of all deaths and 1.3% of cases resulted in death. That sounds pretty darned serious to me. And strong enough info to make me glad of the actions to limit its spread and the rapid roll out of the vaccine.
The key word you are looking for with that graph is “WITH Comorbidities” (and other morbidities such as suicide, road accidents, terminal illnesses etc).
The graph heading clearly states age distribution of patients who died WITH COVID-19 infection.