My theory on the human race

I don’t know, it’s not my theory. But if something like this happened, don’t you think there would be a spaceship somewhere on earth or some otherworldly paraphernalia scattered about?

You’ve been watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ for far too long…

I thought everyone knew that earth is a supercomputer created by another ,Deep Thought, to find THE answer.

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42 was the answer

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: nice one Maree,you lucky gal you :grinning: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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so at what age might we start this…bonking?

and when we are finished is that when we become food?

perhaps our masters became Veggies?

The cloaked Mothership is still out there watching us all cock things up. My reaction? Beam me up Scotty :grin:

There is. They’re called politicians.