Its about time to refresh my summer car, bought loads of stuff for it, before next spring, it will have a respray, a replacement extended leather interior and a wheel refurb, I’ll stick some photos on tomorrow when it is returned to the garage for the duration, its own lockdown so to speak.
That sounds interesting spitty. I’m looking forward to seeing this project.
Ok, the car is in the garage, its the first time its been in there since the new garage doors were fitted and there was 1/2" clearance to the wing mirrors either side. The reason I got the car cheap some six years ago was at some point in its history the bonnet had been resprayed, but in some sort of dusty environment and contamination had got into the paint so, now I have two options, I I can prepare the bonnet and take it for professional respray or, 2, I purchased another bonnet (in Titan Silver) which could be taken to the paint shop as is and be colour changed. The beauty with this model is all the external panels are detachable, so can be sprayed in stages (from the same batch of paint of course.
In the photo the bonnet is dusty, but you may be able to see the contamination.
How about a before and after pic, Spitty, so we can see the difference?
I don’t think he can get out of the car Mups, Only half inch clearance.
Its a soft top LD, no probs.
Thank gawd for that. I could see you being there all over Christmas.
We could have taken him a bit of Christmas Pud though, dongle.
It is funny that open cars are, or were, so popular in the UK where the weather is pretty poor yet in Australia where the weather, it has to be said, is better they are as rare as hen’s teeth.
I was once given a lift from London to a place called Stone in the Potteries in a mate’s frog eyed Sprite and I think we put the roof up and down about three times during the one trip. I think a prefer a roof and air con.
My cousin has an old Morgan (same name as his son) he drives about in it with goggles and gauntlets looking like a demented Toad of Toad Hall
Bruce, I would never have a Ragtop as a main car, a bit like moving lock stock and barrel to the seaside because of fond childhood memories, becoming blase takes no time at all. Also, it is no fun cooking on the few odd days we have at 30+ degrees, but, an English spring or autumn morning, in the countryside, on your own, the sound of a Straight Six cylinder engine mixed with bird chatter from the hedgerows is divine.
Look forward to seeing the pics Spitty.
I am replacing the black leather (very austere) interior with a light beige one. The new (used) interior is described as extended leather which means, it has leather on sections the standard interior does not, I.E on the dashboard. I got the dashboard free because the leather sections had started to shrink because of a lack of treatment, but, I have a trimmer friend across the road who is an artisan trimmer, so will get the parts back pristine, this is what had happened, the dash board has had to be disassembled to get at the parts, the clocks binnacle which is with the trimmer at the moment to match the leather sits on top of this assembly.
Does Summer know you’re making her a car?
If he sprays it pink, it must be Anne Summers’. :-p
You should see what he’s used for the gearstick :shock:
Hey, you lot, I’ll have you know this is a small classy sports car, not a Pimpmobile.:-)
What make and model is it Spitty?
I have an inking it might be a BMW, Rhian but I promise not to judge him.
That could seriously shake your ball joints. :-p