My son keeps passing out - anyone have any insights?

That diagnosis sounds reasonable SP, given that he has so much noise exposure, and the good news is that this can be treated. I know your son is young, but he needs to take care of his back so he won’t have more permanent problems down the road. You sound like you have your hand full and are reasonably concerned for both boys. I hope you aren’t overdoing it, SP. Get plenty of rest :hug:. only just seen this thread sweets, i.m so sorry you have all this worry on right now and I do hope they get to the bottom of what’s causing it and can help him be well. We never stop worrying about our babies no matter how old they get do we. Wish I could give you a real-time reassuring hug but take my virtual one my friend :hug: xx

Thanks for the support you lovely people. X

It does seem strange that both twins are passing out, so there is obviously something genetic going on there, perhaps they are both allergic to something.

Good luck Sweetie pie, my thoughts are with you.

Sorry I forgot to update.
One of them is fine now.
The other is not so bad. It is an inner ear problem. He has been referred to ENT.
Inner ear headphones caused the problems.

Thanks for the update sweetie pie.
Ear infection causes vertigo. I get this quite often since I have a man made eardrum which isn’t water tight. This causes bacterial infections which can causes blockages and result in vertigo. I’d actually forgotten that I almost passed out a few years back while on the road taking my dogs for a walk.
I now have a really good ENT specialist who drains my ear once a year.

I have to be very careful with earplugs and headphones too.
That’s great that you now have it figured it out though. It must be such a relief at least knowing what it is.

Pleased to hear it isn’t anything too serious Sweets, you must be relieved.

Just found this thread. What a relief to find an explanation and also an avoidance plan.
Good Mums will always worry about their children no matter how old they are.

Thank god for that Sweetie pie, that its only an ear infection and nothing more serious.

Labyrinthitis is the reason. I thought that was a film.
We have medication.
Thank-you everyone. x
There are so many that need our support on this forum, thank goodness this forum has such caring members.:lol:


An excellent thread.

I have fallen a few times recently, had a CT Scan, ear Infection and previous Trauma.

The concern by others is brilliant.

Thank you so much.

Interesting ! That’s what I get from bacterial infections .
Glad you had it looked at and have some medicine
Having kids must be stressful.
I’m looking after aging parents and in many ways they are like children also.

I did the nursing my Mum who was dying from Cancer also Bratti, and living in two places at that time.

I used to get boils in my ears as a child, they are painful.

Awww… I’m sorry for your loss. It’s really tough.
The travelling back and forth makes it even more difficult but it’s also sad but rewarding at the same time.

Oh boils in the ears hurt also. I’ve had those. They are like having a big pimple but more painful.

It is over now, no Mum no Dad, no baby brother.
It has taken its toll, but I never dwell.
The boils were caused by swimming underwater with me. x
Let us support those that need it, forget me.:lol:

Nothing wrong with dwelling and having a quiet little retrospective moment. I still do and Dad died when I was 9 and Mum when I was 38. Seems ages ago but the memories are still fresh.

You’re too modest, Sweetie.

Oh, Morti I am so sorry. You are a brave soul. I think it helps to understand and support others. I think empathy is can be understood better than sympathy.:lol:

I am just me Dreamy, you know that.:lol:

One of my Grand Daughters had all of the symptoms you describe.

Finally diagnosed as POTS syndrome.

You might want to have a look at it?

“Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition in which a change from lying to standing causes an abnormally large increase in heart rate. This occurs with symptoms that may include lightheadedness, trouble thinking, blurry vision, or weakness. … The cause of POTS is poorly understood.”

She is now on medication and doing well.

I have never heard of that Ted. I will research that.
Sorry about your Grand Daughter, at least she has a diagnosis. Hopefully, she will be fine in the future.
Thoughts and prayers sent for her.:lol: