My review of Asda - possibly the worst supermarket around?

That’s usually the reason I go to Asda, not for the food but because it’s the only place you can buy just about anything you used to buy somewhere like Woolworths. Although I don’t rate their clothes. But they are great for kitchen stuff, towels and bedding. Usually have a good selections of books and magazines. Lots of electrical items too. All very reasonably priced. I can recommend their wine glasses. Are they 50p each? Also some great basic white mugs for 50p or £1 max.

Forgot to mention earlier that they are also very good at gluten free foods. They had the best selection of any supermarket very early on in gluten awareness. So much so that I would drive there just for that reason. They do some amazing gluten free cakes, including some red velvet cupcakes you just won’t find elsewhere.

I just switched to Asda for online food shopping. This was motivated by cost mostly, but they do have some good deals. The quality isn’t bad at all, although their fruit is somewhat hit or miss. The choice is greater, and they have a fab vegan section. I love how you can include non-food items as well (haven’t done that yet).

I would give them 65%



The thing is pixie that more and more people are going to be shopping by price now

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Lets hope it doesn’t compromise quality then. I got some pears recently which were tiny. One bite and its gone! :joy:

Asda can be quite good for small kitchen appliances like blenders and toasters and towels and bedding, especially if you wait for the sale they can be cheaper than Amazon for the same product

I like those candles in a big jar that have a wooden wick and crackle when you burn them and Asda are cheap for them

Their clothes aren’t really what I like but I do wait for the sale and buy in their packs plain v neck T-shirts. Cheap as chips and I use them for gardening/housework/decorating days when I don’t want to spoil my good stuff

Shopping at Asda during the school holiday is a real pain in the butt.There is always a screaming brood of kids somewhere in the store, and I find myself praying for them to walk into a shelving unit, and die under a rain of falling baked bean tins.
But no, it never happens. Instead, they just wander the aisles, screaming like recently departed lost souls in some particularly vile purgatory. Dante was wrong - the ninth level of Hell is populated by people who think supermarkets are great places to take kids. Personally, I think that we should fence off a couple of the trolley parks, and leave toddlers out in the rain, chained to the railings the same way people have to leave dogs outside shops. They can’t run away, and they’ll still be there when you come back for them.
But that’s just me, I hate bloody coffin dodgers too.

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Kids I can tolerate but coffin dodgers get right on my wick :rage::smiling_imp:

For some reason, they’re always seem to gather in our Sainsburys

They’re always to be found in the middle of the aisles, right in the everyone’s way, chatting with long lost friends and they don’t budge :rofl::rage:

For Gawd’s sake, go to the cafe, get a coffee, continue your reunion there, get out the ruddy way, let the rest of us get on with our lives and let me get to the cheese!

With you there…in the bloody fresh veg aisle, If I were a conspiracy theorist, I’d start wearing a tinfoil hat to block my brainwaves, because there is always some coffin dodger who’s parked his trolley in front of the veg section I want, and is away weighing his onions, or counting cloves on garlic bulbs or something.
And as soon as you move their bloody trolley, you can hear the “tut” from over your left shoulder I start to wish the old bugger would croak, but then I might feel guilty as I stepped over them to carry on with my shopping.


When this happens to me, I get all brave and maneuver my trolley around them (or through them if it’s more than one and they are simply chatting) saying cheerily “Excuuuuuuuse me, thanks so much, oops wonky wheel, so sorry”. :joy: :shopping_cart:

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I will have to look out for those. They sound like a nice thing to have outdoors (while we still have some summer evenings left).

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Abandoned shopping trolleys are so annoying. I once had an altercation at Asda. A shopper left her trolley at the checkout and went off shopping for whatever she had forgotten. I didn’t know this, came to the checkout and found there was nobody around (just an abandoned trolley) so I went to be served and she came back and started hollering at me for pushing in! Cheeky female horse was miles away. Wasn’t my blinkin’ fault.

I try to avoid eye contact with any potentially abusive shoppers since. Best keep your head down, stride purposefully forward and just create a zen bubble around yourself to keep sane. Particularly when the supermarkets start moving things about which creates shopper bad energy.

Be quick, they’re on sale!


Older shoppers can’t help been older, it’s taken them a long time to reach that goal in Life and it’s a little unkind to be ridiculed or discriminated against because it takes them longer to get around the store.

Is the label ‘coffin dodgers’ allowed on here anymore ?

Asda actually pride themselves on having a Quieter Hour in their stores between 2pm to 3pm from Monday to Thursdays for more vulnerable shoppers who appreciate a slower pace to their weekly shop.

If you want speedy shoppers on skateboards instead would just after the schools close each day be the best peak time to visit.



Sorry Mort it was a light hearted poke at the coffin dodgers, after all I am one of them 78 next month I don’t count the cloves on the garlic, but I do weigh onion, three onions separately cost less than three wrapped in plastic net


@Vlad …and don’t ever change or lose that dark wicked humour.
I just never realised you were that old … :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I thought you were a mere 50 something babe in arms.


I still have the body of a Greek God though, I look-in the mirror each morning and fall in love with myself :wink:

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I know … I’ve seen you in the veggie aisle … this Greek God standing next to the celery sticks.

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When I look in the mirror, I see Buddha.


Coffin Dodgers, what a naff 70s expression, only Vlad could revive that trash. And make it sound fun once again, a generation later and we are on this website for coffin dodgers! Yea, chin up.


You’re lucky, I see my granny!

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