My review of Asda - possibly the worst supermarket around?

This is just a test - please ignore!

Anyway, I am giving this store 0% because I wouldn’t eat any of the food they sell - I just don’t trust them and I hate to imagine what kind of horrible pesticides and additives they use!

I shop there all the time. Have done since 84, I am still alive what happened you get short changed? :grinning:


Don’t reply to this…there’s another thread for reviews! :smiley:

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Same here, Vlad. :+1:
Anyway, unless I have misunderstood, I am reluctant to publicly slander any business so casually. Sorry.

Whoops, thanks Pixie.

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Have bought petrol at the Asda petrol station

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Just testing - but I love Asda (sort of)

Asdas is OK, cheap and cheerful with not a bad organic range and free from range

Why don’t you trust them, Azz?

Their delivery service here is a bit amateur compared to the others and their substitutions are a hoot, they just give you something random

I once ordered onion bhajis and got a liver and onion ready meal!

Their basic range is quite good and our one here has a fast turnover so the fruit and veg is fresh. And the staff are always cheerful and helpful ( and they get a lot to put up with!)

I’d give them a 75%

I would not eat Asda meat!

Asda is ok for proper brands but l don’t think l would buy their own brand food.

I have read that their petrol isn’t very good, so l never get mine there.

How so? I’ve just fueled up there as it’s the cheapest in town.

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Oh yes they are funny - you ask for five oranges and they give you five grapefruits as if that is ok lol

You can untick for no substitutions on the order (If you can find that hidden option) but you have to keep going back to untick if you add any new items before check out.

I haven’t found their delivery chaps to be rude or unpleasant. Overall a good delivery experience but not as good as Ocado.

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Annie, Whenever there are threads on forums for petrol, many have said that Asda petrol is no good. I can’t remember why?

Yet my daughter who used to work for Conoco/Phillips oil company said, that was a load of rubbish as most of the petrol came from the same supplier.
She said her job was to pay for it, so she knew where it came from and where it went.

I do not shop at Asda for several reasons which have little or nothing at all to do with the quality/price of their produce.

  1. The building - huge, over heated and badly ventilated
  2. Noise - they have recordings of Cockerils crowing near the eggs, Cows lowing near the milk, a constant flow of inane shopping suggestions over the tannoy interspersed with loud music.
  3. Zombie mothers using mobile 'phones while their uncontrolled offspring run riot.
  4. They are trying to force their customers into being ‘self service’ - firstly by reducing the number of staffed check-outs, and secondly by introducing a whole bay of ‘self-fill’ units - one takes one’s own boxes/bags and fills them with flour, sugar, etc., from sealed plastic silos.

Cannot comment on their meat, Artangel, as I would never, ever, buy meat from a supermarket.

Have not tried their delivery service.

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I have not found the buildings over heated and badly ventilated at my local Asda, Tabs, maybe they have a problem at your local branch do you think?

As for the animal noise recordings, I haven’t come across that either, but it would annoy the hell out of me. How infantile can these people get!

I agree about the Zombie mothers on their phones all the while while their kids run riot though. :+1:
And also I do not like to see big kids being allowed to ride in the trolleys. If they are babies, there is a baby seat on trolleys, but 10 yr olds sitting in trolleys is so wrong.

I also agree about the lack of till operators now, but most supermarkets are doing the same now, and I hate it. Our local Wilko’s is bad for this. They usually have only ONE till open nowadays.
The pen pushers need to get off their butt and go see all the disgruntled customers queuing at the one check out. Any half wit would see which the majority of shoppers prefer then. :rage:

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In all honesty, we don’t really care which supermarket we use and tend to choose based on either the most convenient or where we happen to be visiting anyway.

As for Asda, its consistent, reasonably priced, well laid out and the staff are friendly enough. We also like the shop and go scanners and/or app which we use when the place seem busier, but tend to try and use humanly operated checkouts when time permits just to reinforce the need for humans rather than electronics to be employed.

Pity they got rid of the loyalty card years ago though.

what noise have they got by the toilet rolls SE?


Thanks that’s a relief.

One thing I have found is that Asda often have things you cannot find in other supermarkets. They have a far wider selection of fruit and veg and their produce is usually good quality too. I agree with not eating their meat. They were one of the supermarkets singled out for having horsemeat in burgers a few years ago.

However, when I was at Uni the local Asda was just great for student shopping. Their basic range was very good in those days and the trolleys were fun too when we had a party because in those days they didn’t yet have the £1 slots in.

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My ex foodie colleagues, very strange people, they do health and safety as well , know an awful lot about food and who supplied what to whom.

According to them, there are nine huge conglomerates who supply most of the food one way or another.

What is noticeable in the big primary processing plants is that, for example, the meat, chicken etc is the same, just the packaging changes.

An awful lot of own brand yoghurts are made by a very well known yoghurt maker, but at a different, but nearby factory.

The own brands differ in the packaging and price.

The biggest thing however is organic produce, it is amazing that we sell far more of it than we either produce or import.

We drink a lot of semi skimmed milk and eat a lot of fat free yoghurts etc.

This leaves loads of cream which is then made into butter and sold in a variety of packaging at a variety of prices.

Any seen Mueller butter on sale, and they make hundreds of tons of it.


A huge 24/7 cutting plant in Telford, loads of labels.

They are brilliant at hiding where it comes from


You must be very rich :grinning:

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In fairness, it’s only her Zippo lighter that she tops up.


They have this app now, you get pounds, not points. …

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