My New Novel!

OK, today is the start of my new novel day. So far it is to be about 2 men from different backgrounds finding themselves driven to certain actions through their belief and background (inspired by extremism :shock: ), or a heart warming, simple story about the life of whomever (inspired by the book I’m currently reading - The Secret Garden :slight_smile: ), or maybe a novel about a politician going mental through being too enthusiastic for her own good (inspired by Nicola Sturgeon :wink: ) .

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I like the third option , Nicola Sturgeon going mental , perhaps it could be a short novel , and she gets locked up in the tower of london and one of the Chesea pensioners loses the keys . And we never hear from her again !

I could use some of that :smiley: .

For accuracy sake I’d like to point out that they are infact Yeoman Warders, not Chelsea Pensioners.

Sorry for the pedancy.

We are told that, in order to write a good novel, we should draw on our own life experiences …

Here’s an idea
(to be taken with a liberal sprinkling of salt) :wink:

A painfully, critically shy, ‘English Rose’ spends her childhood avoiding social situations etc … feeling unable to fit in, although desperate to do so.

She hits puberty, everything becomes a whole lot worse and she discovers ? sex ? booze ? drugs ? rock n roll ?

Reaching the age of 30 something, estranged from her family (because of her appalling behaviour) she’s bitten by a large venomous spider (or snake or something) and is hospitalised.

She survives, against all odds and from there is transferred to a State run Psychiatric Unit (or is it ???) where she is put into a medically induced coma. During this period, she is talked to, read to 24/7 … in other words ‘brainwashed’.

She eventually emerges as a new person (with a strong Scottish accent) and a staunch (insert religion of your choice), quickly rises through the ranks and becomes a voice to be reckoned with.

Oh … I forgot to say that during her hospitalisation/coma etc. she had necessarily lost muscle tone, so took up athletics :smiley:

Naturally, she excelled at this too ‘rolls eyes’ and not only became Prime Minister, bestselling author, but Olympic athlete :shock:

That’s just a quick idea I thought of whilst in the shower.

You could do a combination of all three ‘plots’ Mark :mrgreen:

(is that ‘The Secret Garden’ as in Frances Hodgson Burnett story :-)).

You are quite right to correct me , we need to be accurate for Mark to include it in his book .:slight_smile:

Remember to share the Royalties Mark :wink:

Yes :smiley: .

No superpowers from the spider bite?

Apart from the lack of the above you do have a cracking story line. I do have one concern with the plot though and that is: why did she get sent to a mental hospital after suffering from a spider bite? Not sure that is normal care procedure is it? Was it a special brain affecting spider bite?

Needs work :wink: .

I will probably need financial help for the duration of the writing as I will be putting all my other money making schemes on hold. I deem it that important :wink: . If it makes money then I will no-doubt have to pay back all my benefactors.

That’s nice :slight_smile: are you retracing your childhood Mark or retreating to a better quieter time when a robin’s voice could be clearly heard.

It certainly is a breath of fresh air after all the other types of books I have read lately. Of course it isn’t as sweet and innocent as it makes out if you consider the social aspects of it all - with regard to the servants and so on. Still, there is something innocent and so far uncomplicated about the development of the main character. I like the way it is written too - the ‘feel’ of it.

I like it too Mark :slight_smile: it is sometimes a good thing to seek out a bit of simplicity in this over complicated world…

You called me, Meg?

Are you simple then Tpin :mrgreen:

As simple as simple is.

Like the idea of a novel MKJ

Der ?

Obviously she had problems as a child and went totally bonkers when puberty hit.

Venomous bites may cause all manner of ailments, including ‘super heroism’ … it’s up to the author to decide how factual their novel will be.
Hospitalisation (long overdue) highlighted that she was suffering from a number of unaddressed psychological problems.

'Twas only a fleeting idea as I showered but I could envisage some in depth analysis and each aspect, milestone, in her life might be a book in itself.

thank you

On the other hand, you could write a book about life on a forum :shock: :mrgreen: :!:

The trials and tribulations of Admin
The online fighting
The control freaks
The tantrums and tears

I shan’t list it all but there is a wealth of ‘stuff’ :wink:

Hey, now you might well have something there :smiley: .

…and that just the Mods :043:

(I am saying it before someone else does :mrgreen:)