My Nephew Had Major Surgery

Such a shock, but he’s had the surgery now and hopefully coming through this trauma. His odds are increasing all the time which is an immense comfort for you and yours…


Sending prayers blessings and calming thoughts Didi69
God bless him

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How is he Didi?


Hello Everybody; Please Continue With Your Prayers :pray: Just Found Out He’s Having Another Surgery This Evening For A Stomach Ulcer :pray:


Wishing your nephew all the best @Didi69. :pray:

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Hope all goes well Didi

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Fingers crossed all goes well with your nephew’s operation… :crossed_fingers:

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Hello Everybody; I just chatted with my nephew’s wife on Facebook (Messenger) and she told me that they took my nephew into surgery last night cause they thought it was a bleeding ulcer; and then he was brought to ICU. It turned out to be a small leak from the surgery he did on Sept. 26th and it was leaking puss; they repaired it.

Now, he has to do an ultrasound of his heart because it has high enzymes; please continue with your prayers, that he will be OK and that he will be home real soon; thank you :pray:


Thanks for the update Didi, I hope everything turns out well for him…

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Hello Everybody; my nephew is out of ICU, as soon as I have more news and/or updates; will let u know, please continue with your prayers :pray: Thank You !!


Glad he is now sufficiently stable. All the best for his continued recovery.

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Hello Everybody; my nephew is slowly doing good, and if he continues like this; he should be able to go home this week; before the weekend :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Ah, such good news for you, @Didi69 and your nephew! Will keep the prayers coming his way :pray: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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Wonderful news for you and your family, Didi :+1::crossed_fingers:

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Great to hear that @Didi69, all the best to your nephew.

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Brilliant news Didi… :+1:
May his recovery continue…

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Hello Everybody, the doctor has confirmed that he’s not well enough to come home this weekend :disappointed_relieved:

Hello Everybody; Great News :slightly_smiling_face: He’s either coming home tonight or tomorrow morning; thanks again for all of your prayers and positive vibes :slightly_smiling_face:


Nothing like such news to bring you back to ‘earth’
There is no stopping now…so happy for you…

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Hello Everybody; He’s Home Now :slightly_smiling_face: