My Nephew Had Major Surgery

Thanks for the update Didi, I hope everything turns out well for him…

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Hello Everybody; my nephew is out of ICU, as soon as I have more news and/or updates; will let u know, please continue with your prayers :pray: Thank You !!


Glad he is now sufficiently stable. All the best for his continued recovery.

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Hello Everybody; my nephew is slowly doing good, and if he continues like this; he should be able to go home this week; before the weekend :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Ah, such good news for you, @Didi69 and your nephew! Will keep the prayers coming his way :pray: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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Wonderful news for you and your family, Didi :+1::crossed_fingers:

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Great to hear that @Didi69, all the best to your nephew.

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Brilliant news Didi… :+1:
May his recovery continue…

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Hello Everybody, the doctor has confirmed that he’s not well enough to come home this weekend :disappointed_relieved:

Hello Everybody; Great News :slightly_smiling_face: He’s either coming home tonight or tomorrow morning; thanks again for all of your prayers and positive vibes :slightly_smiling_face:


Nothing like such news to bring you back to ‘earth’
There is no stopping now…so happy for you…

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Hello Everybody; He’s Home Now :slightly_smiling_face: