My Mups

Thanks very much Bratti, kind of you to think of her. :slight_smile:

Aw Mups :frowning: what a worry for you. I am so sorry hugs to both of you.

Thanks Meg.

I’ve been doing some research tonight, and from how he described these test results to me, it sounds a lot like this condition to me: Myelodysplasia (or Myelodesplastic Syndrome).
I’d never heard of it before, but I having been reading that with this condition it makes the bone marrow send out immature red blood cells, exactly like he described. It’s like it’s a kind of Leukaemia.
I have sent him an email with the link about it, it’s just a bugger he’s away for a week now.
She is booked to go in on Tues 29th unless she is gets worse beforehand of course.

Anyway, she seems quite happy tonight so that is good to see. I’ve just bathed her sore foot again, and now we’re off to bed at last.

With a doggie mom like you I’m sure she’s in the best hands. You’ll research everything.

I’m glad she’s settled and seems quite happy.

Sleep tight!


You are elderly and you have five dogs, one a mere puppy.

You could have an event anytime.

What provisions have you made for your dogs to be looked after?

Aww Mups, try not to worry too much about your Mups this coming week. Spend some quality time with her as you always do I’m sure. Give her a hug from me xx

Hi Mups…being a pet owner myself I know how worried you must be and I do sympathise.

Just a thought here though I have a very elderly cat ( she is 22) and my vet has identified lots of problems with her healthwise but I decided not to pursue treatment because I know she has a good quality of life she isn’t in pain and to be honest i didn’t want her to have the trauma of treatments.

She has a lovely life and of course the inevitable will happen one day…but right now she is happy with her lot…something to consider for little Mups

I wholeheartedly agree with you summer, best thing to do.

I’m sorry to hear this Mups, I’ve been in similar positions myself with various animals over the years.

There’s nothing I can say or do to make it better, I wish I could.

Best of luck with it all, keep us updated.

Worrying times Mups, but you are doing all you can for her.let us hope for a positive outcome for her.

Hi Mups human :slight_smile: I was thinking along different lines after you mentioned …

Her blood count was ok, so she is not anaemic - but her bone marrow is producing and ‘sending out’ young, immature red blood cells for some reason. He doesn’t understand why yet.

That also occurs in conditions other than the one you mention . Maybe best not to speculate and to wait for test results.
I am a bit surprise Mups doesn’t have other symptoms unless she is in the very early stages of something.

Bad timing Mups hurting hurting her paw just now putting additional stress on her body. I know she will get tons of hugs but give her one from me too…:slight_smile:

We are all hoping for the best outcome for little Mups and hoping for better news when the vet returns.


Gosh Mups. What an awful worry for you.
Of all the times, your vet goes away when you need him to discuss things and alleviate your concerns.

I hope you have some reassuring news soon xx

How are both Mups today - did you both manage some sleep?

Yes, I could “have an event” as you put it Swim.
And a younger person could still get run over by a bus, get mugged in the street, or succumb to illness, so I don’t think like you.
I can also assure you, I have far fewer health problems than you do.

The “mere puppy” as you call her is not 8 weeks old anymore, she is turned 2 now.
I have always accepted she may not have a long life because of her previous heart condition.
She too, could also “have an event.”

As for your question as to “what provisions have I made for my dogs”, why on earth do you want to know that?
Do you think me an irresponsible owner or something?

Thank you Tabs, and Art, dongles, Meg, Nommy and everyone else who thinks kindly about my Mups. I like to think good, positive thoughts get through to her.

I am very tired today, but Mups seems bright and perky. :slight_smile:
She has stopped poking her sore paw about now, and it is drying nicely, so that’s a good sign. I’ll probably stop doing the salt water ‘dips’ after today.

She is laying next to me at the moment, sound asleep, with her very best marrow bone tucked uner her chin.

Thanks again everyone, I’ll let you know how she goes.
Luv you lots. x

That’s a heartless thing to say! As if Mups hasn’t got enough to worry about without you coming out with something like that. I f you can’t say something positive, best you say nothing at all.


Oh she looks a real cutie. I hope the news is good.

My thoughts exactly and then some

Sending healing positive thoughts to the pair of Mups :049: