My mammogram appointment

No Julie. I’m just grasping to understand how a thread that opens with “this is when my Mammogram appointment is” is supposed to progress. I mean there’s no discussion content there. What were you expecting exactly? How did you expect an entire thread to progress from that opener?

Well if anyone else had started it after they had breast cancer I’d be saying good luck hope all goes well. Not scaring them with what the test might do to them.

My best friend has found breast lumps in both breasts, went to the doctors and she is to go to the breast clinic tomorrow for tests. I’m praying its not serious and they are just fatty lumps. I have another friend who has double breast cancer picked up on a mammogram early and they are hopeful they caught it in time.

Hope all goes well. I would be looking for a further test, not a Mammogram to properly determine what they are. It’s quite possible they are DCIS and if so there’s only about a 1%-3% chance of them becoming invasive cancer so don’t lose hope.

thank you Realist, I’m so frightened for her

Fear is the primary weapon and MO of the medical industry. Don’t give them the satisfaction. We all die at some point.
If you were to die on Day X, would it really make any tangible difference if you were to die on day X-1?

How about X-2? X-10?

You’ll simply get on with life and move to the next iteration before everyone else, you’ll have a head start.

LQ, tell her to ask if they can do a needle biopsy… that way they will know exactly what they are dealing with. It doesn’t take long and I am can’t remember if they used a local anaesthetic, but there was no pain.
That was how they established what type of cancer I had & were able to start me on the right treatment quickly.

If my experiences are anything to go on she will get excellent care LQ and many lumps turn out to be nothing to worry about. I really hope she finds the nurses and doctors I had such lovely people who make it all as easy as they can.

Does that mean I can start smoking again?

You can do whatever you wish Longdogs.

“Nothing is true; everything is permitted”

The only rules in life are those you voluntarily allow yourself to be subjected to.

You can live X years without smoking, or live < X years with smoking. Do you have special plans for the additional years you would save by not smoking? Are those years going to be somehow fantasically more meaningful and enlightening than all the years before them?

Where does this notion that striving to scrape every last day of life out of an existence come from?


Just had my results I am clear of cancer so the smith household will be celebrating this Christmas !

Thank you to those held my hand through the wait ! :grouphug:

That’s great news Julie!

Thank you Annie.

That is wonderful news Julie! :slight_smile: You should go and have a mince pie as a treat.:mrgreen:

Thank you twink you know I just might :mrgreen:

Great News Julie… :mini:

Thank you Roxy.

Wonderful news for you and your family Julie :smiley:

Thank you mags

I have just recently turned 50 and expecting to be called to go soon.