My little corner

Thanks all, IRA just one part of my garden revamp…


My first harvest. These are the trial ones I planted in a plant pot. Better than I expected.

I’m going to wait another week or so before I harvest the ones in my big tubtrugs.

Can’t wait for dinner tonight. :slight_smile:

They look lovely Carol.

Thanks Dex.

I tossed them in butter & they were lovely.:slight_smile:

Can’t beat home grown spuds…a little mint whilst cooking and a good knob of butter…just makes a meal very tasty…

Grew some in a few buckets a couple of years ago. So much nicer when they’re pretty much from soil to mouth within a few short hours, as you well know, Carol. :slight_smile:

Might grow some more next year.

very nice Carol. What variety are these? Lovely trivet too.

They were just some old supermarket potatoes that were sprouting so I decided to plant them.

I can’t believe my luck!:slight_smile:

Ah yes I need some mint. I haven’t got any but I’m going to get some. The next lot will be minted.:slight_smile:

grow some in a pot even…stops it taken over the flower beds…

I’m impressed Carol…I’m.going to have a go at growing them next year I bet they tasted very good.

Yes Diane that’s what I’m going to do - grow it in pots.:slight_smile:

I know mint is very invasive…

Yes have a go Summer. It’s so unbelievably easy. :slight_smile: