My heating came on this morning

My parents were fortunate to get a council flat when they were OAP’s.The first time they’d experienced the comfort of central heating.

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I have Swedish relatives and I visited them a dozen years ago. Their houses and flats were built with the climate in mind, even the letter boxes were designed to stop heat escaping with two spring loaded insulated flaps.

They took central heating to a whole new level with all the houses heated by steam or water (forget which) which arrived via a network of insulated pipes to each dwelling from a central source.

After growing up in the UK in a Victorian house with outside plumbing I was very impressed. So much so that I even took a picture of the insulated pipes being installed.

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Okay…I confess, southern softy here has just put the heating on for a quick blast to warm up the flat first thing :cold_face:

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This approach is common in northern Europe and only beginning to appear in the UK. It is by a considerable margin the most efficient means of heating houses. Each house is still metered and billed - so its not like the old Soviet heating of apartment blocks where people had to open windows to cool down and cost was not considered. The pipes are double insulated and buried in the ground so the heat loss from source to dwelling is low.
I understand some new apartment blocks in the UK have the same approach.

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My grandmother took in washing too! My Dad told me the main actor from Much Binding in the Marsh (bet nobody remembers that radio prog) had a holiday cottage near them. She did his washing and charged 2/6 a load. Dad had to help carry the basket.

Further back, her mother is described as a Pauper/Washerwoman on the census.


My daughter lived in a flat in a group of four 18 story apartment blocks in Aberdeen and all were heated from a central source. They were right next to the sea and when the wind blows it gets pretty cold there.

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I most certainly do and I can remember the stars - Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne, they both went on to other radio shows like Beyond our Ken and Round the Horne as I recall.

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And The Men from the Ministry. All good stuff. :grinning:

It was Richard Murdoch who stayed in the village and my granny did the washing for him and his friends. Thanks for that. :+1:

My grandparents had one of these …

Lift the lid, put in some hot coals from the fire, push it down between the sheets move it around a bit, remove before getting into bed.

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Crikey how old were they ?

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I don’t think I remember them using it, but I believe they used to. It was always hanging in the kitchen. When it was cold they left the Rayburn simmering all night.

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My indoor temperature at 7 am was 23.5 without any heating on. We are lucky to have these temperatures in October, the downside being it’s most likely due to global warming.

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Some News

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That would never even be considered this side of a general election because they know their greatest support comes from the retired or soon to be retired.

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Winter fuel allowance should imo just be for the poorest .
A long with the £10 Xmas bonus , I had no idea I got £10 until I spotted on my statement ,thought what the heck’s that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I don’t spend any of it on fuel …

House temp was 20.5, outside 13c this morning . Amazing for this time of year .


I’m surprised at you Bruce…no mention of Rambling Syd Rumpo?
Kenneth Williams did a terrific Australian song…all that stuffing of tucker bags and twisting of woggle irons :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I do not spend a single penny paid to me via the DWP as it goes straight into my disabled daughter’s account to run her adapted car and extra heating as and when needed. I mainly live of my investments and other cash generating offsetting together with my wife who does the same.

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My spending was more of a selfish frivolous nature.
You would hope if the WFA was means tested there would be money in the pot for those with needs.
But no it never seems to workout like that.
You are a smashing dad😊

My four daughters and their children, my grandchildren, all benefit from my investments that have accumulated over the past 3 decades. Neither my wife or I can take a single penny with us when we are called, so I believe in distributing as much as possible while I’m alive and then watch them all benefit from it :+1: