My hair.

You actually have perfect hair for creating a variety of different hair styles. What you are missing is knowledge and a variety of hair toys to add diversity. Once you get the idea of buns, half backs, half ups and updos you should look up hair FORKS!

Hair forks are hard to purchase but easy to make OR you can browse through ETSY for ideas

Once you get used to the diversity of long hair, you probably won’t ever get bored with it


Me too
I live in jeans I never wear anything else

You sound like my Mum god rest her soul .
She would have been 92 if she was alive .
Her veiws entirely .
A mumsy perm and a frock for anyone over 35.

I’ve never had long hair not even as a child…every time I determine to grow it I get fed up and have it cut…also whatever you tell your hairdresser they always cut more off than you told them and it takes ages to grow so I just give in.

I live in jeans too… I don’t understand this mentality of being too old to wear this or that…wear what suits you …jeans can look nice as well as practical… I went to the Ivy in Harrogate in jeans the other day…so what.

Oh ladies please be nice to eachother.
It is about hair not jeans, unless you have hairy jeans.:lol:
I cut my own hair, I was wondering about a change. Bratti you have given me lots of ideas, thanks hon. X

I haven’t seen anyone being anything other than nice sweetie pie? I was making an observation about jeans…I hope it didn’t come across as judgemental in any way if it did it wasn’t meant to.

As far as your hair goes I agree with art without a picture it’s difficult to comment…I do wish I had had long hair though just to scoop it up in a ponytail must be so easy in the mornings.

:044: RIP your mom Muddy but glad her ideas are laid to rest. :shock: Here we call that Frumpy with a capital f.

That’s VERY typical of hairdressers. Most are in business for themselves and understand you are dependent on them. They seem to like to make your haircut something that you need them to help upkeep. That way you have to keep coming back to them. They rarely give you a style that’s easy to manage on your own because they would be out of business.

A good hairdresser should listen to you and add suggestions but not push them on you. You just didn’t ever get past those awkward stages and with growing a hairstyle out there are bound to be a couple of those but it’s best to wait them out if you truly want long hair or just a change. It’s too easy just doing the same thing year after year. If anything, I think long hair is VERY suitable for women of any age. It’s classy, sophisticated and stylish.

I agree with you also summer. Everyone on this thread is being kind and considerate . Your comments were nothing but nice and always are and as far as the jeans comment . That was outrage worthy :lol: Its not like we’re talking about push up bras and go go boots here. :-p

I can’t see that anyone has been nasty on here either :confused:

Sorry my mistake.
I suppose I better take a photo.
I have never had short hair.
It really suits some people.
My long hair keeps me warm in winter.
I quite like longish hair on men too.

Me too, my OH has his hair on his shoulders, but mostly tied back for work. I’ve never in my life been out with a guy who had short hair. :lol:

Me too sweetie as far as men with long hair goes… I have cousins who are twins when they were younger one had long hair the other was clean cut… the one with long hair always got the girls even though they are identical :slight_smile:

Ooh that is interesting. X
Watching the film Bohemian rhapsody, they all had long hair.
I call my hubby Dougal if he grows his, he looks like he belongs on the Magic Roundabout. :mrgreen:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I reckon we all had long hair back in the seventies along with the high waistband trousers and platforms. I keep my hair short now but I still wear the clothes. :wink:

I thought it was Longlegs.:lol:

I’m not sure that long silver hair is a good look on a fella.

Wear a wig.:mrgreen:
They all did in the film.

If you meaning my OH, he still has very dark hair. Makes me sick lol.

I noticed Paul McCartney has ditched his dyed hair for the silver look … he looks much better with it too. :slight_smile: