My Friend

But they can be even harder to shift off the sofa, carol.

I think it’s too late for that, Dex. It is time for Peter to get a mind of his own, instead of living in mine.

Just imagine Little Pete inside a tiny cardboard tube. :-p

But you don’t know how strong willed he can be, Mags. He is mentally exhausting when he puts my mind to it.

If I can get him off the sofa. :102:

When is your next refuse collection day, Harbal? :smiley:

I like to think I’ve got more imagination than that, LD. :roll:

Big cardboard tube then, Harbs? Impressive.

No, Mags, I couldn’t do that after all we’ve bin through together.

Best I could do on the spur of the moment. :102:

I dare you! :lol:

You can’t improve a bad idea just by making it bigger, Dex. :001:

But who knows the repercussions of putting your imagination into the back of a bin lorry. Tooooooo risky. :018:

Reminds me of Calvin & Hobbes.

Harbal & Pete

It’s got a nice ring to it.

Except Calvin and Hobbes aren’t real.

They’re only real while you read them, then they cease to exist when your attention falls on something else. Like Ralph here:

Do you get out much?..

Are you talking to Ralph?

No wonder he’s scared.


Are you sure it’s Peter you’re talking about?

Have you made up yet?

Has he got to grovel to you?

:lol::lol::lol:…if he’s like me he don’t do grovelling…:lol::lol:

Kiss my feet…:lol::lol:

Every time I see your name, I keep thinking of a whale,:lol::lol: