My Dream last night was unsettling

Last night’s dream was about me running. Running away from something behind me. Something very loud was chasing me.
Run, Run, Run. As fast as I can. I was too Frightened to turn around to see what was chasing me.
I am running on a very straight road? The noise is getting loud, the “Thing” is getting closer, closer, closer.
I start to falter. My legs are getting too heavy to carry me.
It is almost upon me, Finally I turn around and see massive wheels of a ginormous aircraft about to land right on top of me.

Oh gosh…that must have been terrifying I wonder what it means? Maybe someone here might be able to analyse it…I think Susan has some knowledge of dreams.

When I was younger I used to have a dream of running too…the man chasing me walked very slowly but no matter how fast I ran he was always just behind me…very scary

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Yes, scary enough to wake me up, I did not go back to sleep lest the dream continued.
Amazing how dreams are so vivid and seem so real.

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Nightmarish indeed Bretrick, being squashed by easyJet!
Are you sure it was a road you were on and not a runway?:wink:

Maybe you need to glam up your bad dreams fella!


I think I was on a road. Maybe the dream will recur tonight. I will take more notice if it does :slightly_smiling_face:

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I used to dream about looking up in the sky at an airliner and watching the engines cut out, it would start to fall in my direction at which point I’d usually wake up.

My Nan lived in Greenwich during WW2. When I was very small she’d tell me tales of the doodlebugs and how people never knew when the engines would stop with devastating consequences, maybe it’s something that stuck in the recesses of my mind.

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In my most recent dream I was eating a huge marshmallow. When I woke up my pillow had gone!


One day, the dream your dreaming you will be stuck in for eternity, make sure its a good one :laughing: :sleeping_bed:


My most exciting and thrilling dreams I save for my waking hours.


I had one too. I dreamt that I had bitten my lip and it was hurting. I woke up, realized I hadn’t bitten it. Fell back asleep and dreamt I had bitten it again. That happened several times. By the end, I wasn’t sure which one was real.

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Thankfully your lip remained intact. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Funny that one. :grinning:

“To sleep perchance to dream”

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To be honest, I’m still not sure what happened. There’s a bit of an abrasion on that spot but it doesn’t hurt like in my dream. I’m hoping that it’s not foreboding.


Dreams are weird, a sort of muddle of what you’ve seen in the day and your subconscious thoughts

I think they do reveal your inner mind but there’s also a lot of complete rubbish images mixed in

So, Bretricks dream……

I wonder if the plane was just a result of all those pictures of Trumps plane we got inundated with?

Running away from something you’re anxious about in real life but you’re not sure what? I’d have a think about what it might be, if I were you. It could be things we’re all anxious about catching up with us, old age, death?

Or is there something else in your life that you feel anxious and trapped by? An ex girlfriend? :wink: :rofl:

I’m a fortune teller and roads are significant. You saw a long straight road, no crossroads, curves or chance to step off it? Is that how you feel about your life at the moment?

I think you’re afraid your body and mind will let you down and you can’t escape and will be crushed by what you fear and you don’t feel in control

It’s always a choice, you could take a different direction, step off the road, or turn and face your fears and take control?

I think the reason that dream disturbed you is that it’s about all our fundamental concerns


First up, thank you for going over my dream.
Second up, I am in Australia and I do not think I have ever seen a picture/video/news report of Mr Trump’s plane.
Old age does not concern me, I am looking forward to retirement with a passion that is almost palpable. Finally I will be able to spend as much time in the Aussie bush without the need to rush back home and get ready for work.
Death does not concern me. I am rather blasé when it comes to death. Having no familial feelings, we were not a close family so I never developed attachment issues. When people who I knew died, my reaction is always - I knew them, now they are no more.
No feelings at all about death. My one wish is to die quickly and pain free, not lingering on, becoming more decrepit with every year.
I am single, have always been single and really, really enjoy the freedom of singlehood.
After a lot of torment for the first 45 years? of my life I have come to terms with all of that and am in an almost content phase of my life. No need to feel anxious or trapped.
I believe I was on a straight road, though there was a lingering thought of being on Queenstown Tasmania’s airstrip because I thought I saw Mt Owen in the background.
I am always fascinated when watching a film where someone running away from a pursuing vehicle, I say to myself, why not step off the straight road instead of running straight down the centre?
Personally, I am fascinated that I have lived as long as I have, given what I have gone through. Watching so many people dying “early” I often ask myself, "How come I am still here, how come I rarely get sick, how come I have no allergies, how come my mind is not permanently screwed up. How come, how come, how come…
Sure, I could get an unfavourable diagnosis tomorrow and not be here in six months. That is life, amen, so be it.
Right at this moment, I am more in control of my life than at any stage of that life.
So the dream came as a shock. What am I running away from, what is this thing (plane) that was relentlessly pursuing me, intent on crushing me.
Most likely I will never know. Most likely the dream will not return. Most likely I will go on and enjoy life more and more with every passing year.

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Was this you Bretrick ? :laughing:

How awesome was that (The Finger from Granny) :rofl:

I think you should see the dentist, just in case you’re teeth grinding or some other problem, if there’s an abrasion, then you might really have bitten yourself

Other than that, you dreamed you hurt yourself twice, the experience of the first didn’t help you prevent the second?

Well, lips are gateways, aren’t they. They let out words or keep them in, they let in nourishment and keep in, or let out vomit and sickness

And they’re erogenous zone :rofl::rofl:

I don’t know, are you hurting yourself by keeping words in when you should let them out? Are you on a diet and denying yourself food or another kind of nourishment :rofl:.

Were you once hurt or feel guilty about a kiss or do you have a yen for vampires? :rofl:

Didn’t the heroine in Fifty Shades of Grey keep biting her lip? :rofl::rofl:

Once bitten, twice shy, my lips are sealed, bite your lip…….

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I’m glad you’re content and happy and it does sound as if it might just have been one of those random things and you’ll never know

Too much supper, a real noisy plane overhead, a scrap of a memory off the tv?

Interesting that you are about to retire soon, though. Roads can represent changes and decisions.

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