Can I borrow your dog pauline, we are absolutely stacked out with pigeons, and all they do all day is to crap and hump…Oh, and make a hell of a noise first thing in the mornings…
Jack Russels are traditionally rat catchers dogs .
They are fearless little beggars and are sent down fox earths by hunts to kill foxes too .They will kill cats too given half the chance .
Perhaps you will need a ‘special’ Jack Russell though, one with wings OGF,
pigeons are often known as ‘flying rats’ or ‘flying vermin’!
Oh I tell you…he has met his match with some cats around here…fearless little beggars they are as well Muddy…he craps himself when he meets them…so funny…
No worries Pixie, Bathsheba…sorry if I was a bit tetchy!..
Hope he’s Leptospirosis jabs are up to date if he’s had a rat in his mouth Pauline! :shock:
There will no doubt be more too, as rats are seldom alone, they usually live in groups.
OGF…I couldn’t have him kill a pigeon…we have them here, they mess all over my decking…
Checking that out with vet…thanks Mups.
When they c…p you certainly know about it Baz…especially if it lands on your head!..:shock:
I admit I also thought you had lost your little dog Pauline.
So pleased you still have him.
Your title of your post has been altered
Thanks Mags, appreciate that…
I know, living in a rural village there are thousands of them here plus also pheasants which are far worse when it comes to what they ‘deposit’ all over the place! There’s only one thing worse that I can imagine – flying cows and we haven’t got those yet!
I do have rats in my garden ( well did my neighbour has poisoned them I think) I don’t kill them but have a humane trap if I catch any I drive them miles away and release .
I love seeing peasants in my garden !
I don’t mind the pheasants, although they are ‘bred’ in this area there are not that many of them compared to pigeons. Not too sure about ‘peasants’ though, I don’t have any of those (which I assume is an innocent but humorous typo).
The peasants are revolting !
You let the common folk wander about in your garden? Do you drive them miles away and release them in poorer neighbourhoods too?
Several days ago I saw a rat crossing our path, recorded on one of our security cameras.
I haven’t seen it since. I suppose that cats make quite a good deterrent, so it (and its family?) have probably decided to move on.
Not necessarily a typo in Muddy’s case Baz…:surprised:
Runs for cover…:shock:
I wouldn’t know that for fact OGF and I can’t run fast enough these days to take that chance!
Hops away slowly due to ‘dodgy’ knee and ‘gouty’ big toe :shock:
I thought I’d found the solution to my pigeon problem…
I placed a board on the drive covered in Gorilla Glue, I then put bread on top of the glue…
A pigeon flew down for the food and adhered itself to the glue…
I can’t kill anything, so I used Maddie the cat’s traveling box to contain the animal while I drove the 300 miles down to Basingstoke, where I released the pigeon…
It beat me home and was sitting on the lamppost outside our house when I arrived…:shock:…So it’s going to have to be plan ‘B’…
I’m selling up and moving to Basingstoke…