My Cupboard

Perhaps a very small pony, Mags. :001:

Yes, solidarity is what we need; cupboards matter.

Does that stuff actually work?

We should pool our resources, Harbal, I have a suicidal kitchen shelf! It was on the floor (again) this morning!

I have used it for small stuff, Tabby…not a cupboard, so I can’t say for sure that it does. I was fixing a wooden box so it was a lightweight job, but its solid as a rock now.

I’m all for pooling resources, Tabby, but may I suggest that the resources be something other than loose fixtures and fittings? :001:

My cupboard is as solid as a rock, which is precisely why I don’t want it falling off the wall. :shock:

Ahh, yes…that would be a problem. How is your wall? Not plasterboard, hopefully…! :smiley:

Well it’s not actually my wall; I only rent it, and because of that, I feel no obligation to have any knowledge of its structure. In fact, I would prefer not to know, on principle. :018:

217 views now. I wish I could be arsed to crunch the statistics. :024:

Latest news:

The landlord called earlier today to look at the cupboard. We lifted it down from the wall and discovered that one of the fixings had broken. I have to say that it is a very complicated fitting for the simple function it has to fulfill. He has taken it away with him in order to find a replacement. Success in finding that exact fitting is by no means assured. I’m sure you all join me in wishing him well in his search.


I am more aghast that you have no cupboard, Harbal! For the foreseeable future, anyway. Love the sign though, so funny! :smiley:

But I do, Pixie, it’s just that it is temporarily a floor cupboard. :001:

You can’t use it though…unless you place it on a counter. I wouldn’t use a floor cupboard…not for foodstuff anyway. Ooooh no! Or…maybe you could start a trend…? No actually, too much faffing about when cleaning the floor. :shock:

I cleaned the floor last Easter. :102:

I thought you might say that :roll: :lol:

All is as it should be once more in my kitchen. :001:

Oooh fancy! Does it match the rest of your decor?

It matches it about the same as it did before it it was taken down.

It’s an odd shape.