My choice of video equipment

As most on her know I am keen but not very good on making videos Bruce does it much better than me.
However it is a subject I feel worth investigating a bit more than just taking a photo. The advantages are many such as being able to show more of where your making the video. Or recording people animals moving around. Not only that but the sounds that go with the video can make a difference, something a camera photo can’t do.
I consider it the next step in photography and not being tied down to shall we sat “snaps”
originally a camera could take a video but had restrictions such as quality and recording time limitations due to licensing laws. This has now changed with some cameras and makes with unlimited recording time.

so which to choose and why

camera for video
One problem with using a camera for making videos is a question of lenses and which to use. Having even decided on a lens the range it covers is still limited regarding distance. So this means a lens change and an obvious break in recording time, possibly at an important time. for me not the ideal . Even using hand held zooming in/out will cause camera shake . Then there is the question of cost. A camera and lens will cost a lot more as it is primarily for stills

Camcorder for videos
My preferred choice every time. The range of makes and costs being the prime factor. Apart from that they are designed for the job of making videos not half photo and half video, although some can do both. I like is virtually unlimited zoom not having to stop for any reason. if size is an issue now they are small enough to fit into a pocket . as for best make, here again a personal choice, is Panasonic. The colour reproduction is the best I have come across up to now.

Again If I can offer any help please ask

Some of my more recent gear, I thought long & hard before spending: love it all, no regrets.

Canon G7X. Pocket camera with short zoom & tilt up screen.

Panasonic GX80 with Leica macro lens

… with telephoto zoom

GX80 again with nifty 25mm

Tiny GX800 with portrait lens, currently favourite street set-up

Excellent kit but never get the chance to use it nowadays: a bit big and heavy.

Wooops, I meant to post the above on this thread:


that is exactly the same reason I went for a four thirds camera the panasonic G9. The nikon D810 ven with a 24-70mm lens is now a bit of a lump to carry around

Funny thing, immediately after posting about the 360 Camera I thought I should have posted it in this thread as it is essentially a movie camera (I think)