My Brother In Law Having Open Heart Surgery

Hello Everybody, Just to let you all know; my brother in law is having open heart surgery today, please send prayers & positive vibes that all goes well and that he will have a speedy recovery; thank you :pray: :heart:


Hope all goes well for your brother in law and wish him a speedy recovery.

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Thank You Feey

Hello Everybody; so my brother in law ended up having triple bypass surgery (no stents) and it took 4 hours, please continue with the prayers and positive vibes; thank you :pray:

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well done to your brother in law and also doctors that did the operation hopes he gets all his strength back and is up and about soon.

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I have had open heart surgery, a quadruple bypass and then more later.

I am currently in hospital for further treatment.

Please let him know that it’s not the end of the world and that you can have a good time after the Op


Hello Everybody, so my brother in law is home now; since yesterday afternoon. He has an 8 inch long incision in the middle of his chest and 3 small holes below it where he was wired to a small monitor that sat in the pocket of his hospital gown. He also has some incisions on his legs where they took the vein portions.

He has lots of medication for awhile, several different Doctor appointments and Rehab. My sister was told that Rehab is usually about 3 months.

Thank You Again For All Of Your Prayers & Positive Vibes :pray: :heart:

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