Already got my Hollow crown parsnip seeds ready to go in,a great Victorian favourite.
An old tip I learned from an old timer,about sowing carrot seeds,sow some beetroot seeds,and if they grow, then the soil is warm enough to germinate the carrot seeds!
Got my Sturon onion sets ready for planting, and trying some “Snowball” onions this year.
As always,my Kalsae onions are doing well in the greenhouse, as per the old fashioned way,started on Boxing day.
Did an hour to day(Im not fit) nackered afterwards
Dug one trench for my first earlies and raked over my deep dug side ready for beets and carrots end of next month
Bought Javlins and King Edward yesterday and am chitting them in the Kitchen am a bit late this year as I would be being down south be planting my first earlies in the next week.
I don’t have an allotment but a lot of my veg comes from one. We have a couple of horses and give several allotment holders free bags of well rotted manure.
I very often come home to a bag of fresh veg on my doorstep.
Galty, I visited my allotment friend this afternoon and she showed me her cuttings and seedling out in the garden. She has several pop up greenhouses and cloches, and she said the tomato plants wouldn’t be able to go out for another month in case of a cold snap. So yes you’re right.
I’ve only put in potatoes, in the ground and greenhouse (bag) but am not sure when I’ll have a chance to water.
When I come home from Bournemouth I’ll have a look at my seed packets and see if I have time to plant anything!! Covered my raised bed for now, while I was decorating, but now most is done I’m almost free again.
Think the hard work is almost over will just be weeding and watering plus planting out the plants that are prone to cold nights end of June . Autume will be when the hard work starts again with the deep digging to get the ground ready for next year.
Plus the Joy of gathering you own Veg through the winter.