Music industry makes $26bn but wants streaming prices to rise

The music industry wants the prices for Spotify to increase. They say that prices are not keeping up with the increases in the movie industry.

TikTok is mentioned since several countries are trying to ban it, and many music people are using it to popularize music.

I’m wondering if people will have the extra money if the price increases. People seem to be squeezing for entertainment purchases as it is.

Folks need a bit more “Squeezing” there must still be too much disposable income about. :icon_wink:

Can’t squeeze blood from a stone, they say. :wink:

Not sure how much more people have.

I’ve stopped making predictions about stuff like this, my logic don’t work. :upside_down_face:

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Haha. People’s spending habits often don’t logic. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have made greater allowance for variation to allow for the massive increase in “Hype”. :laughing:

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