Mulching Mower Conversion

My husband has a petrol homelite lawnmower which he bought from B&Q a few years ago. He was toying with the idea of replacing the blade with a mulching one so that clippings will feed the grass rather than get thrown away and he’ll make something to block up the chute.

Have any of you done this yourself or got any advice? He said it has a 17inch blade.

(PS I think I’ve got these tag things under control now so can make new threads billy silly willy nilly now)

If you have the model number then it should be simple enough to see if there is a mulching blade for it, whatever that is. Not sure that he would need to block the chute though. Can he not just cut the grass without the collector as I do on occasions?
I might add I know sweet FA about gardening though I grow a mean catnip as the local cats will attest. :laughing:


I never chuck cuttings away they go in the compost bin or I spread around the base of plants as mulch .
Like Mr F I would just talks the bag off I’d you wanted the cuttings to stay on the lawn .

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I am not sure leaving mulched grass on the lawn is always a good idea.
My lawnmower has an optional part that I can fit to make it chop the grass cuttings into a fine mulch that drops back onto the lawn, if you use it without the grass box.
I tried using it but I found that leaving the mulch on the lawn encourages moss growth and also seems to encourage the growth of fungi -for a long time, I used to have one small patch of toadstools in a fairy ring that didn’t spread to any other part of the lawn, but since I tried mulching, they seem to have spread all over the lawn.

Now, I always use the grass box and compost as much of the cuttings as my compost bin will take and stay healthy, and put the rest in the garden waste recycling bin.

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I just have a scoop on the back of my mower that throws the grass out, I really object to collecting the council’s grass as there is as much grass to mow outside my block as on it.

My first wife used to insist that I collected the grass from the lawn otherwise it got brought into the house on people’s and 'feet so I do collect that grass and compost it. I don’t think grass needs mulching it grows like the weed that it is.

Another way is cut your lawn twice .
First with the blades on a high setting and with a bag the second time on a lower setting without a bag

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