MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for 'dramatically increased' duties last year

Aww bless, increased parties and affairs more like :roll_eyes:


@PixieKnuckles , Jesus, increased duties ??
What with all the recesses and time off for covid etc ??
We need an inquiry into the independence of IPSOS !!
Donkeyman! :-1::roll_eyes::-1:

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So gas and electric are going up, national insurance, petrol, food all increasing, and yet, the mp,s are getting a pay rise, how do they justify that to ordinary folk…?


That really annoys me. I signed a petition not long ago asking the Government to give pensioners an extra £500 to help them pay the rapidly rising utility bills. The government/Boris said they weren’t giving us an extra penny. He proudly pointed out we’d had an extra £2300 over the last 12 yearsstrong text****. That worked out at ~ £197 a year.

Note: this was kept very quiet, I didn’t see it in any media, I think only the people who signed the petition were told about it.

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I agree, this whole thing is beyond disgusting…so many people have suffered and continue to suffer, yet these oafs dare to try and justify a pay rise because they have had to work a bit harder. Wonder if Andrew Bailey will have his hand out too…!

Lets not forget with the still mega generous expenses and other perks where houses can be bought and furnished at our expense then sold at a profit which of course they keep you wonder what it is MP’s spend their salaries on? Fantastic way to save for your retirement or when you lose your seat if you don’t actually need to spend any of your own money.

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Aye :face_vomiting:

It really makes me annoyed frustrated and tired in these times of worry and fears for our future and standard of living. Worrying about food prices heating and gas prices . Petrol prices . My small amount of savings will soon disappear. This overpaid lot hold their hands out for more .

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(Derailment Warning) I don’t want to make yet another depressing thread about the government, but I see they have allowed the banned pesticide through. The one that kills bees. I feel more and more that this country is sliding towards a point of no return. :frowning_face:

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@PixieKnuckles , Plus, the refurbishment of parliament is projected to
cost another £20 billion !!!
Donkeyman! :-1::sob::sob::-1:

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Its a never ending saga with them, Donkeyman! Always money, lies, excuses, money, lies, excuses for ever more :roll_eyes:

Talk about throwing a hand grenade into a room…Nice piece of reporting (trouble causing) Sky…

Parties and pay rises, it will be foreign holidays next…

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Pigs at the feeding trough.


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Aye…some are more equal than others. :roll_eyes: