Move over Aladdin

You’re absent-mindedly drying up the teapot whilst staring out of the window and wondering how much hotter the weather can get when… SHAZZAMMMM!!! An enormous genie in embroidered robes and a purple silk turban pinned with an emerald zooms out of the spout of the teapot and says in a deep voice ‘I am the Genie of the PG Tips and I am empowered to grant you three wishes’.

What would you ask for?

A few millions so I could buy my children nice houses

Standard answer: more wishes.

I’d ask for more ease in my life, more supportive people and a direction that made me happy.

A bigger dongle, mine’s always loose when I plug it in these days. :confused:


(1) A change in gravity or atmosphere composition so aeroplanes couldn’t fly anymore…
(2) The population of the UK suddenly halved…
(3) Net Zero was banned…

Tetley.I don’t like idea of a strange fictional character in the kitchen making me promises.

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  1. A white Christmas :snowman::snowflake: :christmas_tree:
  2. The wisdom not to mess up the third wish.
  3. ???
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I’d have

  1. A magic carpet to travel the world
  2. No more wars ever again
  3. A beachside cottage in the Caribbean
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At the moment, I think I would go for an instant installation of air-con . No waiting around , snap my fingers and there it was installed and working.

The other two wishes, I think I’d have to give them some thought

a chef to serve me interesting meals each day

a Holiday home in the Peak district

a Chauffeur driven car at my beck and call .

take me back to the sixties