Most hated as a child

What meal did your family serve you when you were a kid that you absolutely hated and have never eaten since you became an adult

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I am unable to remember my very early eating years as from 5, I was raised by my paternal grandparents who were publicans. I can however, remember my grandfather Jack (Jacob) giving me a plate of jellied ells and me recoiling from the first tasting, and don’t start me off about those horrid winkles :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: … :wink:

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Sprouts. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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Kippers. Yuck!


nothing really, any fads i might have had vanished with army grub…

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I remember being asked if I wanted to try tripe and onions. I recoiled with disgust but have never actually sampled it to this day.

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that was a treat in our house, with a bowl of boiled potato’s in the middle of the table so you could help yourself


My father and granny loved it!


White beans no matter how they were prepared, soup or otherwise. I couldn’t even get them down in the army after having spent three nights in the cold when everyone was craving for a warm meal.

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Neck end from the butchers in a casserole .
I don’t know whose neck it was from tho.



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Beetroot.But I only ever had it raw.Much later I tasted it roasted and that was all together something much better.

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Mince… always thin greasy gravy and gristle ugh!
For my sister it was eggs

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Anything with tripe.
Never ate it then (the cooking smell was awful)
Would run from it now.

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Tomatoes, they were watery and anemic compared to the wonderful variety of flavoursome toms available today :tomato:

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sadly as a child we didnt have much choices due to rationing, so if it gets put in front of me i have always eaten it, of course there are favourites, but i rarely leave food on my plate…

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It might surprise you Ripple, but I despised meat, any meat…If I was made to eat it I would cut off all of the fat. Something that I still do to this day, and I don’t like too much meat on my plate. I prefer vegetables (any veg and lots of it) and potatoes…Mashed, boiled, new or chipped…


I remember your post on belly pork :nauseated_face::joy:

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Potted meat…(

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