Most disturbing characters in fiction

Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights .

A study in Obsession.

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Mr Stevens
The butler in Remains of the Day

A wasted life .

Mrs Danvers in “Rebecca”

Seriously weird!

Hannibal Lecter…seriously blinking scary :slight_smile:

Ha ha you are right .
Apparantly when silence of the Lambs came out in cinemas Antony Hopkins would go and sit next to some unsuspecting movie goer and frighten the life out of them .

BIll Sykes in Oliver Twist

A total brute .
Was he born like this or made like this?

Misery by Stephen King

Annie Wilkes is too realistic because she acts so normal,:shock:

Frederick Clegg
From The Collector by John Fowles

The Sssssssssssnake in Jungle book, makes all the hairs stand up on the back of my neck…:shock:…‘I hate Snakes’…

Kaa !

Unfortunately there are people like him and goodness knows how many young women imprisoned somewhere by nutters.

Francis Davey, the vicar of Altarnun. Jamaica Inn.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing. :twisted:

Johnathon Wolverton Randall (Black Jack) Outlander.

The most charming sadist.


Exactly. :-p

Jack Nicholson here’s Johnny The Shining

I was about to say that one
The book was so frightening one could hardly go upstairs!

I haven’t read the book, only seen the film but I can imagine the book being even more scary than the film

Marcus Andrews aka The Bone Collector !

Madame Defarge in a Tale of Two Cities, what an absolute evil bitch.