Most Americans Don't Want Biden or Trump to Run Again: Poll (not really news)

In a recent poll, most Americans surveyed said they don’t want Trump or Biden to run again. Given a choice between the two, more would vote for Trump.

No one wants the big Gigs anymore, can’t blame um. :smiley:

Considering Trump increased his votes by 20 million from 2016 to 2020 I don’t believe the polls on this one bit.

Biden is a complete disaster, he has destroyed everything, from the economy to defence, the constitution, security etc, everything. The guy is worse than Carter.

Compare that to 4 years of Trump - the republicans who voted for Trump in 2020 (the highest number of votes for any incumbent President) haven’t gone anywhere. In fact, Biden has more than likely handed Trump another 20 million votes.

If I were an American I’d wish I could give someone a lot younger a go :boy:

Old people shouldn’t lead countries, they’ve got less to lose :woman_shrugging:

And they like go out with a bang, sometimes literally, like Putin :bomb:

The US has long been a gerontocracy and I don’t think it’s healthy

It’s just as bad here. Because our population is top heavy with the Boomer generation. And sometimes they vote in their own interests at the expense of the young and the country as a whole

They have every chance in the primaries to elect young people, but they don’t, they go for older people, who have more experience (presumably).

If you look at the Republican candidates, Ron De Santis is much younger than Trump and has similar views but why elect De Santis (who is “mini Trump”) when you can have the real thing ?

On the Democrat side, I don’t think they have a candidate at all.

The problem is you apparently need to be a multi millionaire to be a USA President in the same way that, speaking generally, you have to go to Oxbridge to be PM in the UK. Hence they tend to be older.

Yep Bruce, it is important for a leader to be able to “Surf” on the backs of the minions aspiration.