More than a rock and roll evening on board ship more of a roll

Our first cruise Sue had gone to bed but I stayed up for the rock and roll night ,the video is just a small part of the video to give an idea.

It was going great on the Royal Carribean ship Splendor of the Seas
Just after this had finished the ship caught the wind sidways on must have been at least a 30 degree lean. The ship went over so far the piano fell off the dias , Some people panicked and ran for life belts. The shops selling alcholic drinks the bottles fell and smashed and flooded the passage way. Strangely enough I was quite excited to see what happened next. Sue missed it all being fast aleep she said later on. It took the crew most of the rest of the night to clear up the mess.
You don’t get this happening in a hotel

Just as well you got the evidence some one may not have believed you :slight_smile:

@realspeed ,Yes , lve always suspected these super liners design
was faulty ??
Donkeyman! :grin::grin:

Another ship cruise
they were ordered out of the pool on another cruise. outside on the North sea a force 9 gale. they empted the pool

I had been hoping to see the piano flying off the stage.